

  • BA
  • BAM
  • MA
  • PhD
  • Minor*





* = Minors are not technically a degree, but can be pursued to supplement a bachelor's degree


从一开始, mathematics has played a vital role in the organization of society and in our understanding of the world. 随着社会变得越来越复杂, 数学知识已经进化, expanded and continued to function as a dynamic force in dealing with the problems of our times.

The Department of 数学 offers a curriculum well-suited for students aiming toward a variety of mathematical careers in 行业 or secondary education or planning for graduate education.

I have fond memories of my time in the math department as an undergraduate and have since found my decision to get a math degree at CU to be one of my best life choices. It has given me a front row seat through my career to some of the most profound events of the last generation, 包括互联网的繁荣(和萧条), 当时我参与了几家成功的高科技创业公司, 信贷危机, 在那里,我参与了许多最大的战斗, 包括雷曼兄弟破产和美国国际集团救助诉讼, 等."

— 科林·斯塔克威瑟(BA 1996)

数学是一种有许多用途的强大工具, 对理解从商业到科学的一切都至关重要. 博彩平台推荐,通往B的道路有很多.A. 度,包括:

  • The 全面跟踪 强调更多的理论数学, and is aimed at students seeking a general background in mathematics or intending to pursue graduate work in mathematics.
  • The 适用的跟踪 强调更多的计算数学.
  • The 中学教育课程 is designed to align with the 科罗拉多州 licensure requirements for mathematics secondary education.
  • The 计算跟踪 is designed for students with an interest in the intersection of mathematics and computer science.
  • The 数据跟踪 强调统计.

And the Department of 数学 at CU Boulder is one of the top 50 programs in the nation根据最新的《博彩app推荐》排名.

This ranking is thanks in part to a number excellent and award-winning faculty, 包括伯顿W. Jones Award for Distinguished College of University Teaching of 数学 by the Mathematical Association of America and the CAREER Award by the National Science Foundation, prestigious memberships to the School of 数学 at the Institute for Advanced Study and the American Mathematical Society and fellowships for organizations like Fulbright, 阿尔弗雷德P. 斯隆,国家科学基金会和洪堡.

The Department of 数学 is nationally recognized in several areas of research, 包括, 但不限于, 代数与微分几何, 非交换几何, 算子代数, 概率, 数学物理, 数论, 组合, 逻辑和基础, 拓扑学与数学教育.

Their diverse faculty are affiliated with many different research labs and institutions, 包括 the CU Boulder Center for STEM Learning and the Department of Environmental Studies, 跨学科研究延伸到物理学, 化学与神经科学.

为攻读数学学位的本科生准备的, 除了课堂作业,还有很多研究机会:

  • The 本科生研究机会计划(UROP) offers students a chance to work alongside a faculty sponsor on original research. 学会写提案, 进行研究, 追求创造性工作, 分析数据并给出结果. 更多信息,请博彩平台推荐 此外网站.

  • 数学 majors can graduate with departmental or general honors through the Honors Program. 有关荣誉的更多信息,请博彩平台推荐 荣誉计划网站.

  • 作为一名数学学生, you should not overlook the opportunity to study abroad during your undergraduate years. 该大学在全球提供100多个项目. 学生可以在国外呆上几个星期到一整个学年, 取决于所选择的程序. On these programs students may earn credit as if you had taken the courses here, 有时满足专业或核心要求. 语言学习是参加许多课程的先决条件, 所以及早计划出国留学是很重要的. Further information about study abroad is available from Education Abroad, 303-492-7741 or on the 留学教育网站.

  • The Department of 数学 offers two five-year concurrent degree programs: 1通向B.A. 和一个M.A. 在数学上,而另一个导致B.A. 在数学和M.S. 应用数学. 详情请咨询相关部门.

  • Starting in 2018, the Department of 数学 will offer qualified undergraduates a Summer REU. 博彩app推荐这个新机会的更多信息可在 暑期数学研究网页.

Those who specialize in mathematics are needed by almost all companies engaged in industrial and scientific research. In addition, organizations involved in computational work or statistical analysis 充分利用在这一领域受过训练的人才. Advanced work is necessary for students who plan to do research in pure mathematics. Career options for mathematics majors who have completed both theoretical and practical courses include jobs in business, 行业, 科学与政府.  

Graduates trained in statistics are particularly in demand in statistical analysis, 投资咨询服务, 精算工作. 数学系是“数学部”的发起人之一 精算研究和定量金融专业. For more information on this program and the certificate tracks available to students, see the 保险精算 研究与定量金融项目网站.

A nationwide need for well-trained secondary school mathematics teachers provides opportunities for students who have taken the appropriate program and earned state licensure. 请与 教育学院 欲知更多资料.

职业服务 为所有博彩平台推荐攻读学位的学生提供免费服务, 和校友毕业后一年, 帮助学生发现自己是谁, 他们想做什么, 以及如何到达那里. They are the bridge between academics and the world of work by discussing major and career exploration, 实习或求职, 为研究生院做准备. 

The 2018 median salary for mathematicians and statisticians was $88,190, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局, while the average expected salary for someone with a bachelor's degree in mathematics, 根据PayScale人力资本发布的2019-20年大学薪酬报告, is $74,000元/年.

This job is also one of the fastest-growing professions at 33%, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.

估计的中位数工资, 据Tableau报道, for 数学 graduates for 1 to 5, 6 to 10, and over 11 years out from school.

博彩平台推荐, 数学 graduates earn less than the nationwide average of comparable majors as reported by PayScale. 博彩平台推荐这一学科的校友估计年薪为90美元,从1989年至2018年毕业的476名校友中得出了551名. 这个数量, 然而, is slightly higher than the average for all CU Boulder graduates with a bachelor's degree, 根据Esmi Alumni Insight的一项调查显示,在同一时期毕业的5000名校友.

The mathematics department has an extensive list of alumni that are either working or have worked in a variety of industries across the globe. 该项目的校友包括:

  • 马特•斯通 (BA '93) is a co-creator of the animated TV series South Park and co-writer of the Tony Award-winning musical 《摩门经.
  • 莫里斯·霍夫曼 (BA '74) serves as a judge on the Denver District Court and judge-in-residence at the Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral 研究.
  • 罗伯特·C. 射击 他是普林斯顿大学的数学教授, where he has served appointments as a department chairman (1976-79) and dean of the faculty (1989-1995).
  • 唐纳德•斯宾塞 (BA '34) served as professor of mathematics at MIT, Stanford and Princeton universities. 斯宾塞的高峰, a 13,位于西弗顿西南三英里处的一座高087英尺的山, 科罗拉多州, 在2016年以他的名字命名.