By 发表: 12月. 6, 2023

医生 今年60岁,是博彩平台推荐的科学家, alumna and ‘Whovian’ super fan attributes the BBC show’s success and staying power to its relatable protagonist and strong plotlines

当电视节目 医生 1963年11月在英国广播公司首播.,批评人士 特别是沉默.

回想起来, perhaps a show about a humanoid alien with two hearts who travels the galaxy in a ship disguised as a police phone booth, fights killer robots and uses something called a “Sonic Screwdriver” as a go-to gadget for fixing things was always going to be an acquired taste. 然而,, despite a very limited special-effects budget in the show’s early years and multiple cast changes, 医生 has persevered to become the longest-running science fiction-themed TV show, according to 吉尼斯世界纪录.

One person who is not surprised by the show’s success is 艾米丽Nocito (PhDEnvSci’23), who has watched the TV series 近20年来,他一直是几个 医生 并曾作为公认的专家接受BBC的采访 activities associated with 医生 聚会.


博彩平台推荐的毕业生艾米丽·诺西托(艾米丽Nocito, 23届科学博士)看到了这一点 医生 近20年来,他一直是几个 医生 并曾作为公认的专家接受BBC的采访 医生 影迷. She is pictured wearing a fez, which was popularized by the 11th doctor on the TV show.

诺西托说她开始观察 医生 在新泽西上中学的时候.

“It was something that I could watch with my parents; it was something that was of interest to two different generations,她说。. 随着她对电视节目兴趣的增长, she found herself attending Comic Cons in New York and events specific to 医生.

最近, 科罗拉多州 艺术与科学杂志 采访了诺西托,讲述了最初是什么吸引了她, 为什么她认为这个节目这么多年来一直很受欢迎, 她对被称为“呼呼星人”有什么感觉 医生 对她从事科学事业的决定有什么影响. 她的回答因风格而略作了删减.


Nocito: 作为一部博彩app推荐外星人的剧,它是如此的人性化. One minute it can be silly and then terrifying and then emotional—and it really has everything you could want in a show. You can be laughing in one episode and just sobbing your way through the next.

说实话,这是我在其他任何节目中都没有发现的, 这是真正人性的元素吗. 在博士这个角色中, 你有这个外星人神话, 能看到所有时间和空间的神奇生物, 而且已经有几千年的历史了, 但仍然会造成很多问题. He has flaws, but most times he strives to be the best version of themselves.

I also think the show attracts people who might feel a bit different, a bit alien. 我认为有一件事 医生 has done a pretty good job of, compared to other shows, is in terms of representation. 这是否是酷儿的表现, 或者有残疾的人, 或者是不同的健康诊断, 关键是它们被表示了,但没有被标记化.

Question: 吉尼斯世界纪录 has stated that 医生 is the longest-running science fiction show. 你认为这是为什么?

Nocito: 我认为这真的是讲故事. The running joke with the show is that one of the bad guys of the 医生 universe since the beginning of the series was the Daleks. 说实话, 看起来像是一个穿着学校戏剧戏服的人, 他拿着马桶柱塞. 那就是你要找的大坏蛋.


在该剧播出60年(还在继续)的时间里, 神秘博士这个角色已经被很多演员扮演过了. (图片来源:BBC Studios)

仍然, the story lines are so compelling that it somehow makes up for the lack of special effects—especially back in the early days of the show. 不知何故,它很可爱,几乎有点做作. …

I think it’s really through the storytelling, plus the fans’ passion for the show, that have kept 医生 这么多年了. 我认为这是一个无与伦比的社区. 也许星际迷们已经打败了博彩平台推荐, 但我几乎会说呼呼党是最辣的.

That being said, there’s always at least a few Trekkies dressed up who show up at 医生 红衫军. 通常情况下,红衫军是幕后人物. 博彩平台推荐看到他们.

我就是喜欢这样. I think there’s such harmony between all of the different sci-fi communities that we can all appreciate each other’s love and passion for the shows.

问:电视节目多年来一直在发展, 有几个不同的演员扮演主角. 在你与粉丝的互动中, are they accepting of the changes with the show—including new Doctors—or are there some purists who cling to the original shows, 比如一些《博彩平台推荐》的粉丝?

Nocito: 有些人对(变化)有问题。. So, 例如, 乔迪·惠特克(Jodi Whitaker)接替了这个角色, 博彩平台推荐有了第一位正统的女博士. In the new season that will start soon, we will have a person of color playing the Doctor.

每个组织都有自己的喷子. 有些人不喜欢改变.

我的观点是,如果你对一个医生有意见, 你可以找到一个不同的双心小说博士喜欢. 冷静点,这只是性格使然. …

我发现和我交往的人都欣然接受. 博彩平台推荐拥抱包容性. 博彩平台推荐欣然接受 医生 代表的是一个应该让每个人都感到安全和被看到的空间, 是人性中最美好的部分, 通过一个愚蠢的科幻镜头.

问:《博彩平台推荐》的粉丝有时也被称为神秘粉. 你介意别人叫你Whovian吗? 还有,你可以说是这部剧的超级粉丝吗?

Nocito: 我一点也不介意. 对我来说,它是一个标识符. I am a Whovian; I am very proud of that.

对我来说, 有趣的是, 如果人们看这个节目, 他们自然想谈论这个节目, 之类的东西, 你最喜欢的医生是谁? 你喜欢什么样的伴侣? 你讨厌什么同伴? And it’s just open for debate, and obviously subject to personal preference.

但每个人都有自己的最爱. 每个人都有自己的第一个博士. 每个人都有自己的故事他们是如何开始这部剧的. At the end of the day, the important thing is that you’re here, and you are Whovian. 这就是社区. …

我天生好奇. 我真的很喜欢复杂的问题. 这也是我在博士的每一次迭代中看到的, of tackling complex problems while also wanting to make tangible impact on things.” 

是的,我会把自己归类为超级粉丝. 当我谈到 医生 (在大会上),我经常在上下文中这样做 医生, 《博彩app推荐》 和电视节目 超自然的,因为它们都有巧妙的情节主线. And with all three, you’ll find yourself getting invested in the characters. You have characters who are smart, but they have their faults, and they are very relatable. (The three TV shows) are kind of this holy trinity of dorkiness and geeky-ness, and I love that.

Question: Did watching 医生 have anything with your deciding to pursue the sciences?

Nocito: 从更抽象的意义上说,是的. 我天生好奇. 我真的很喜欢复杂的问题. 这也是我在博士的每一次迭代中看到的, of tackling complex problems while also wanting to make tangible impact on things.

也, 就我而言, 我研究海洋, 我认为它几乎和其他宇宙一样神秘. …

我已经建立了一些惊人的联系 医生. 有个电视节目叫 火炬木 那是一个衍生品 医生当时我正在排队看这部电影在纽约的首映式. 队伍真的很长,为了打发时间,博彩平台推荐中的一些人开始聊天.

One of the people I was standing next to was actually a student at the college that I wanted to attend. She was able to get me into one of her classes as a visiting high schooler. They gave me a tour of the campus and I got to meet other people she was hanging out with, 包括科幻俱乐部的一些人.

I would have never met her in a million years if I hadn’t stood in line for this spin-off of this British show that had been on the air since before I was born. It was such an interesting coincidence that she was attending the college that was my top choice. 最后我去了长岛的石溪大学.

Some of the most amazing people that I’ve met—including other scientists—I’ve only met because of this show.

编者按: 最近,诺西托被命名为 呈递的 通过国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA). In February, she will start a yearlong fellowship with NOAA in Silver Spring, Md.,专注于U.S. U的实施.N. work focused on conservation in the high seas, which was the focus of her dissertation.

Question: Do you have any advice for anyone who hasn’t watched 医生 and is on the fence about watching it?

Nocito: 我建议每个人都试一试. 给它一个手表. 从任何地方开始——任何一季的第一集. 跟上剧情并不难. That being said, if you’re dedicated, you’ve got 60 years’ worth of shows to watch. 所以,如果你真的喜欢狂欢表演,我给你准备了一个.

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