By 发表: 2月. 28, 2024

CU Boulder’s Mountain 研究 Station is offering six field courses this summer, giving 学生 the opportunity to study a wide range of disciplines in nature

今年夏天, some 博彩平台推荐 学生 will study topics ranging from field ornithology to bioinformatics in one of the most beautiful classrooms in the state.

科罗拉多大学巨石 山地研究站(MRS) is offering field courses including the Art and Environment Field School, 植被生态学的野外方法, 鸟类学领域, 森林与火灾生态学, 湖泊与溪流生态学, 以及山区生物信息学.

除了选课之外, the MRS is also piloting a scholarship program for undergraduate field courses, in the hope of making them more accessible to 学生.


斯科特•泰勒, a CU Boulder associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, is director of the Mountain 研究 Station.


斯科特•泰勒, 电台主任, notes that most of the research station’s classes offer 学生 the chance to build practical skills such as sample collection, 实地工作和数据分析. For those who know what they want to do after graduation, this is a way to gain experience and employability, 泰勒说, adding that it may clarify others’ interests and ambitions.

Because of its venue high in the Rocky Mountains, the MRS allows 学生 to learn in ways that would not otherwise be possible, 泰勒说. 例如, the Art and Environment Field School helps 学生 create art by exposing them to the natural beauty of the Front Range, and field ornithology allows them to observe bird activity in nature. Classes at the MRS give 学生 access to what they are studying in its natural context.

“Not every university has its own field station that is just 45 minutes away,泰勒说。, adding that many 学生’ remote-learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the value of field studies.


A goal of the research station is to “inspire the next generation to care about and study the mountains, so we want to expand the number of ways people can engage with that—and that’s why there’s everything from art and the environment to bioinformatics to more classic ecological courses,泰勒解释道.

This further highlights an unusual aspect of MRS field courses, 泰勒说: While all good classes impart 学生 with knowledge and skills, many are limited by the constraints of the classroom. 领域的课程, 然而, are active learning experiences that are immersive and engaging, 泰勒指出. The field courses offered at the MRS this summer bridge the gap between 学生 and the inspiration of nature.


Students at the Mountain 研究 Station can study topics ranging from field ornithology to bioinformatics in a beautiful mountain setting. (图片来源:斯科特•泰勒)

Because 学生 also can stay at the MRS, they are immersed in an environment dedicated to ecology. 据泰勒说, “you get to know your cohort of 学生 and colleagues really well and be part of the Mountain 研究 Station 社区, which is not just 学生 taking field courses; it’s also researchers who are out there for the summer studying various aspects of the mountains.”


Students can register for the Mountain 研究 Station’s summer field courses through the regular process once enrollment begins on March 11. 大多数课程都列在 铜的网站 as sections of EBIO 4100, but the bioinformatics class is EBIO 4460-750. Course credit is transferrable to other institutions and meets the application requirement for CU’s Environmental Studies program.

每堂课限15人, 课程的长度也会有所不同, subject and prerequisites; all of this information is on MRS网站. Though they have different start and finish dates, the courses are all two or three weeks. Most classes have a prerequisite of either one year of course work in general biology or environmental science, 或者是一般的生态学课程.

Tuition for these courses includes lodging in shared two-person cabins and meals at the MRS dining hall. Thanks to a recent generous anonymous donation, these additional costs will be covered for all field-course participants in 2024, which means that field courses at the MRS will be similarly priced to on-campus classes offering the same number of credit hours this summer.

上图:学生, flora and fauna at the CU Boulder Mountain 研究 Station (Photos: 斯科特•泰勒)

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