By 发表: 11月. 15, 2023

CU Boulder sociology instructor 劳拉·帕特森 details how feminism is influencing female roles in horror films, 将它们扩展到远远超出“陷入困境的少女”的比喻


就在博彩平台推荐收拾好戏服,收拾好骨架装饰的时候, 事情还是会在夜里颠簸. 这是一年中令人毛骨悚然的时间,也是去电影院的可怕时间,和 这是一把奇妙的刀 上星期五开幕 感恩节 opening Friday (don’t be fooled by the title—it involves a brutal murderer dressed as a pilgrim).

那2023年左右的恐怖女性呢? 他们还穿着不实用的鞋子在树林里行走吗, 尖叫着寻求可能到来也可能不会到来的帮助? 在脆弱的门后啜泣,希望被一个男人救? 还是恐怖终于发现了女权主义?

近年来, the genre has become a place to explore feminist themes and redefine the roles of women within its narratives, 显露出挑战的潜力, 强化甚至重新定义传统的性别角色, 博彩平台推荐的研究人员说 劳拉·帕特森.


CU Boulder sociology instructor 劳拉·帕特森 studies the sociology of horror and co-hosts a podcast focusing on the genre's sociological implications.

正是这种潜力吸引了帕特森 社会学系 谁一直对恐怖社会学感兴趣. 她甚至联合主持了一个播客节目,研究恐怖电影的社会学含义 集体的噩梦.

帕特森最近与 科罗拉多艺术与科学杂志 博彩app推荐恐怖电影中的女权主义比喻, how female characters have evolved beyond screaming and crying for help and the recent uptick in feminist representation throughout the genre.


帕特森: 从我记事起,我就喜欢恐怖片, 但我最喜欢恐怖片的一点是, 以及我喜欢看电视的原因, is 因为 it's an art form that's devoted to looking at how we as a collective navigate the worst parts of our lives. I think there's a need for a space to artistically express the worst things that happen to us.

博彩平台推荐有很多博彩app推荐快乐的电影, 美好的事情, 但这并不能帮助博彩平台推荐处理最深的问题, 博彩平台推荐生活中必须面对的最黑暗的事情. 恐怖是发挥这些想法的好地方, and to give us some place for cultural conversation about some of the hardest stuff that we must face. 通过观察这些问题, horror movies can do a really great job of making us feel empathy and realize what it's like for people going through situations that are very difficult.

同样的道理, the visceral reaction that the genre evokes in us can be helpful for making moral arguments. 如果博彩平台推荐看一些东西,博彩平台推荐对屏幕上发生的事情感到震惊, that can really be a good emotional place to come from if you're trying to have a conversation about actual injustice that’s happening in our society.


帕特森: 恐怖常常绕过博彩平台推荐所能接受的谈论的界限. 有两种观点,一种是博彩平台推荐被看到的东西吓到了, 但与此同时,这也是博彩平台推荐社会面临的一个非常现实的问题, is what makes horror sit at an interesting place in being able to address those sensitive issues.

Rape-revenge is a really great example of a corner of the genre 因为 it’s a very prevalent cultural problem that we face. 在某些情况下, rape-revenge horror films can be done well and make strong moral arguments to try and shine a light on a situation that's negatively impacting our society on a vast scale, 但这也是一种剥削.

By digging into topics that are the types of things we like to tend to look away from in our society, 有很多空间进行非常有意义的对话, 但也有可能出现非常有害的对话.


帕特森: 博彩平台推荐可以看看两种女性角色的比喻:受害者变成最后的女孩和恶棍.

当你看性别的时候,根据 卡罗尔三叶草, the character you're watching in the film doesn't cry and cower and run 因为 they’re a woman—but rather, 因为 这个角色会哭,会畏缩,会逃跑,这个角色被塑造成一个女人. 性别在某些角色中被强加. If you're watching a film where you've got a victim and the victim is going to be fleeing the monster, our society is more comfortable seeing a woman in that role 因为 we don't want to see a man crying and cowering and running.

如果你看一些早期的final girls,比如Laurie Strode 万圣节那部电影有一个非常经典的结局,她无法完全拯救自己. She's the last one standing; she’s fighting and taking on this monster but in the last second needs a man to step in to kill the villain.

当恐怖电影在70年代末和80年代初真正开始出现时, 你看到最后一个女孩从那个变成了一个可以拯救自己的人. 她不需要一个男人来救她. 卡罗尔三叶草, who coined the 不ion of the final girl, made a point to say that the final girl is 某种女权主义的标志. The final girl came at a time when our society was ready to see a woman taking care of herself in film, 这至少在某种程度上是女权运动的结果. To some extent, the final girl represents a society that’s able to see a woman as a self-savior.

Question: You mentioned women as villains; can feminism inform that role, too?

帕特森: 我认为博彩平台推荐贬低女性的方式很重要. Women tend to be villainized in horror films in very stereotypical ways that usually revolves around their sexuality, 青春期或生殖功能.


Among the modern horror films influenced by feminsm are a growing number directed by female filmmakers.

你可以这样想 怪物查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)饰演一名连环杀手. It's done differently 因为 you don't just take what would have been a male serial killer and put a woman there. I think that film presents her differently; it doesn't just recreate that old trope, 但也, 这不是博彩平台推荐看到的那种可怕的女性形象.

在某种程度上,你可以把女反派看作是女权主义的进步. 同时, 就是这样做的, it's often been done very stereotypically and that reflects problematic aspects of the patriarchy. 要了解更多信息,请参见 芭芭拉的信条可怕的女性的概念.

Question: Should people continue watching these movies that perpetuate a patriarchal perspective?

帕特森: 我不认为这意味着博彩平台推荐不应该看他们, 但我认为这意味着博彩平台推荐应该睁大眼睛看着他们. Horror films in general give us a space to talk about the bad things that are going on in our society. 恐怖的是, 在某种程度上, as a mirror; it reflects to us what our society thinks is good and bad, 以及博彩平台推荐的社会如何将人们定性为受害者和恶棍. 这是很有用的. If we look in that mirror and we see something that we don’t like—we see that monstrous feminine portrayal, or women being victimized in a way that feels like exploitation—I think that it’s important that we look at our society and think about how we could do this differently.

I think it can be problematic when these films are consumed without thought going into that, 因为 this messaging is getting into your brain whether you’re paying attention to it or 不. 你必须要小心,要考虑发送的是什么类型的信息, 在更广泛的意义上,这说明了什么.

Oftentimes students in my class who don't like horror films but are interested in the topic, sometimes they come back to me and say that they’re no longer scared of the villain of the film but instead fear what the film is telling us about the society we live in.

Question: Now more than ever we've been seeing more filmmakers on the forefront of this feminist movement; what would be some names or recommendations of movies to keep an eye out for?

帕特森: 这里有一个简短的推荐清单:



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