爱德华·D. 范Wesep Headshot
Chair of the 金融 Division • Professor • Raymond and Dorothy Joyce Chair in Entrepreneurial 金融

爱德华·D 范Wesep is a Professor of 金融 at the Leeds School of Business, University of 科罗拉多州 at 博尔德. He received an Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics - Economics from Brown University in 2003, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 2007. He studies financial compensation, primarily of rank-and-file employees, but also executives. Past research has concerned the use of signing bonuses, severance pay, incentive pay, stock options, and pay timing as motivation, retention, and screening devices. He currently studies the effect of tenure/employment guarantees on productivity, and methods to improve the measurement of productivity for employees working in teams. Other research interests are corporate governance, short sales, shareholder voting.