发表: 2023年7月10日


Good to see an article addressing the nature of our current political divide [“为什么一切都变得如此政治化?” Spring 2023] It would be great to make this a series where the rise of marooned independent voters and the influence of media as a profiteer are also explored, 例如. I have a feeling it’s crucial to the repair, maintenance and advancement of society. 

约翰W. 科默福德 (90年电影,心理学”) 


I usually looked forward to reading about the “on or about” campus news. But the latest edition speaks to the reality of how things have become so politicized. The current edition is nothing more than left-wing propaganda and disinformation. 加州大学一直都很偏左, but this edition exemplifies the extremist lefts’ war on truth, 以及对审查和征服的渴望. 

爱德华Haugland (EurSt ' 84)


我非常失望. I am a very loyal CU alum, and always been a big fan of this magazine. I do not believe that an issue focused on current politics is an appropriate realm of exploration on the part of CU. 博彩平台推荐的社会在这些话题上存在严重分歧, and I feel it is downright arrogant for this university — which is accomplished in so many other areas — to step up and assert its global views.

科琳麦卡利斯特 (英格兰的64)


谢谢你为博彩平台推荐校友做的精彩展示. That said, I wanted to reach out about the cover chosen for your most current issue.

While the article is discussing how to integrate political perspectives and de-polarize, 你的卧底身份似乎正好相反. 这让我很失望. 作为一个无党派的选民, the artwork depicts some fairly radical perspectives and frankly, instigated a lot of difficult conversations in my house with my children after I had them get the mail. While the cover art is usually a beautiful depiction of the Boulder we know and love, 这似乎没有击中要害.

克里斯汀拉尼尔 (Comm’05; MEdu’11)


Just wanted to say that I loved and appreciated the article on the 宪法第一修正案 请你们多做点什么——接下来是第二修正案! 

朱迪思·克雷格·布泽克 (Zool’66; MD’70)


I was born in 1947, and grew up in Boulder and lived at 10th and Pennsylvania for most of my youth. I spent many an afternoon on The Hill and had many friends who worked at “Herbie’s Deli.” I went away to college, but when I was back in town, that was where we all met up. 博尔德则完全不同, 而且这并不一定是好事, but it’s nice to know that something truly Boulder has survived the times.

Thaine Gilliland


我喜欢这篇文章 大约有100年的历史. A feedback letter in that issue implied that 水槽 served cinnamon rolls and peanut butter. 然而,我不相信是水槽做的. I was at CU Boulder from 1954–59 and worked in 1955 as a server at Owens Cafe, 那是离水池一个街区的角落. The morning specialty at Owens was toasted cinnamon rolls with peanut butter, 他们卖了很多. 

Incidentally, I went from Owens to being a waiter at a new fine dining restaurant on Arapahoe Ave.、灯柱. It was the first place in Boulder with a full liquor license, 丰厚的小费让我得以留在学校并顺利毕业.

戴夫·奥克斯利 (经济60) 
De Pere,威斯康辛州 


我在加州大学的几年里花了很多时间在水槽. 我特别喜欢薯条! I took my parents once when they visited … My mother was not impressed with the artwork, and my dad's comment (as an engineer and contractor) about the overheard pipes was that they were a fire marshall's worst nightmare!

苏珊·麦基 (IntlRel ' 69) 


1978年左右,我在赫比熟食店做过快餐厨师. One of my favorite memories was our neighbor to the south, Nicky. He had a witchcraft shop, and most days, he would call his order into the restaurant. 博彩平台推荐会收到标题为“尼基”的订单,当它完成并准备取货时, we would bang on the stainless steel behind the grill (which was the wall between our spaces) as a signal that he could come over and pick his order up. He would pay on the spot, and he never had to shut down his store in order to get lunch.

马丁agathe (80年经济学”)
St. 路易斯公园,明尼苏达州 


现在戴恩·桑德斯是橄榄球教练了, I look forward to having baseball and softball started again at CU. We need them to take advantage of all the revenue both these sports now generate. 科罗拉多这么多年都没有棒球队,真丢脸. 我期待着这些项目尽快启动.  

杰克的价格 (PE’66)


As an aging buffalo, rheumy-eyed and slow afoot, every new wind gust threatens and menaces.

无法抵挡, 绝对不愿意下跪投降, 不可避免的, 这一次,仅此一次, 礼物本身, 侍臣提供有品味的大酒杯.

谢谢你! Coloradan在过去和现在之间,时间是真实的.

画Clearie (心理' 72) 


In your spring issue you pictured the crew of the orbiter Columbia of STS-107 [然后,第65-66页]. I realize that one of the crew was a CU alum, and it was nice to honor her on this anniversary. 还有另外六个人在执行这项任务, and I don’t think it would have been too hard to at least include their names. 戴夫·布朗(右), rear with pilot’s wings) was a dear friend of mine and my flight surgeon when we deployed together on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in 1984.

规范沃克 (MechEngr ' 78) 

[Editor’s Note: It was an oversight on our part to not recognize the rest of the Columbia crew in our story. 除了…之外 卡帕娜·乔拉 (MAeroEngr’86; PhD’88; HonDocSci’03), 博彩平台推荐还要感谢大卫·布朗, 瑞克的丈夫, 月桂克拉克, 迈克尔·安德森, 威廉·威利·麦库尔和伊兰·雷蒙, 谁在20年前去世了. 博彩平台推荐对这个错误感到遗憾。.] 


我很遗憾地宣布 威廉“比尔”R. Deno (Arch’72, MA’73), CU Boulder campus architect emeritus, died Feb. 20, 2023. 他享年94岁. Bill was generous beyond measure and a decent human being who fell in love with CU Boulder and never let go. 

Bill was given the title of Boulder campus architect in 1991. He managed the complete renovation of Old Main in 1984 and was responsible for the ADA updates to all buildings on the main Boulder campus during the 1990s. Bill brought back to life the importance of CU’s Master Plan and wrote two books about architect Charles Klauder’s vision, Body & Soul, Architectural Style at the University of Colorado at Boulder (1994) and Body & Soul: A Partnership of Architecture and Academics at the 博彩平台推荐 Centennial Update (2018), 都是我热情地为他设计的. In 2020, Bill created the Deno Trust Endowment to fund tree replacement and development on CU Boulder’s main campus. 我会非常想念他的. 



Photos courtesy CU Boulder, 水槽, illustration by Ward Sutton