By 发表: 2024年7月25日

随着2024年奥运会在巴黎开幕, CU Boulder scholar 杰瑞德·巴希尔·布朗 considers how nationalism can inform and influence the games

During the long jump medal ceremony of the 1906 Olympics in Athens, Greece, second-place finisher 彼得·奥康纳, an Irish athlete unhappy with having to accept his medal under the flag of Great Britain, 爬上20英尺高的旗杆,挥舞着一面巨大的绿色旗帜,上面写着:艾琳·戈·布拉格 (爱尔兰).” Two of his Irish teammates stood at the base of the flagpole to fend off members of the Greek military.

O’Connor’s flag waving was seen not just as a political protest in support of Irish 首页 Rule, 而是民族主义的声明.

Since the Olympic Games were revived in 1896—and perhaps even in the ancient games when male athletes from various city-states competed—the Olympics have been touted, 根据 奥林匹克宪章, 以“体育为人类和谐发展服务”为宗旨, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.”


“体育可以成为政治上正在发生的事情的象征和替代品, 在社会和经济上,在一个国家和另一个国家之间,杰瑞德·巴希尔·布朗什说, a CU Boulder assistant teaching professor in the 民族研究系 还有即将上任的董事 批判性体育研究 程序.

然而, 2024年奥运会将于周五在巴黎开幕, 对于国歌和国旗来说,它们同样值得注意, for fans’ faces painted in homage to their countries and for national rivalries that can range from good-natured to tense and geopolitically fraught.

“在奥运会的国际水平上, 把体育和民族主义区分开来真的很难,” 杰瑞德·巴希尔·布朗他是博彩平台推荐的助理教学教授 民族研究系 还有即将上任的董事 批判性体育研究 程序. “体育可以成为政治上正在发生的事情的象征和替代品, 在社会和经济上,在一个国家和另一个国家之间.

“So, 任何时候博彩平台推荐有这些大的, 国际赛事——奥运会, 国际足联世界杯, 板球世界杯,你可以看到这些国家之间的互动, 看到这些问题冒出来, 以一种可能不会在联合国发生的方式.”


不管作者是乔治·奥威尔 宣布有关国际体育比赛—that they are “war minus the shooting”—when Baron Pierre de Coubertin proposed reviving the ancient Olympic Games, 人们普遍认为是他善意地提出了这些建议, 这是短视的,也是文化上的挪用, 信仰.

“战争爆发是因为国家之间的误解,” 顾拜旦说. “We shall not have peace until the prejudices that now separate the different races are outlived. 为了达到这个目的, what better means is there than to bring the youth of all countries periodically together for amicable trials of muscular strength and agility?”

然而, Browsh说, the notion that all are equal on the playing fields of sport ignores centuries of economic disparities and social inequity between nations. “各国训练运动员的基础设施和系统差异很大. High-income nations a lot of times are who you see represented on the medal stand because they’re able to spend huge amounts of money on getting their athletes there.

“So, that might reinforce this capitalist idea that wealthy nations are somehow more deserving of gold medals, 是什么让不平等和主导叙事永久化.”

奥运会也是, 或许不可避免地, 是受到奥运会举办时发生的世界事件的影响吗, Browsh补充道, 引用臭名昭著的 《博彩平台推荐》 1956年墨尔本奥运会上匈牙利对苏联的水球比赛. The match happened a few weeks after Soviet forces violently quashed the Hungarian Revolution, and from the starting whistle it devolved into punching and kicking before referees halted the match early and named Hungary the winner.

从1984年洛杉矶夏季奥运会开始, Taiwan—officially known as the Republic of China—has competed as Chinese Taipei as a result of the 名古屋决议 and International Olympic Committee concessions to the People’s Republic of China.



奥运五环在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔前熠熠生辉. (图片来源:stacimphane Kempinaire/Paris 2024)

The Paris Olympics are happening at an interesting and fraught time around the world, Browsh说, 民族主义不仅在美国持续增长, 但在整个欧洲, 中南美洲, 亚洲和非洲.

“在一个 way, we might see sports as helping define who we are as a nation,布朗什说. “博彩平台推荐可能会把博彩平台推荐的运动员视为博彩平台推荐国力的象征, 当他们成功的时候, 这可能会转化为一种正义感,甚至优越感.”

2017年的一项研究 by the Norwegian School of Sport Science found that educational attainment and income correlate with levels of sports nationalism—in general, 两者越高, the lower the sense of sports nationalism—the Olympic Games are unique “because suddenly, 作为旁观者, you’re really invested in a sport that you may never even think about the rest of the time,布朗什说. “For these 16 days, you’re watching this sport and really cheering for your country.”

在一个 2016年《博彩app推荐》文章, 学者David Clay Large观察到的奥运会, “在某种程度上, it’s the beauty of supreme athleticism and the sizzle of carefully choreographed spectacle. 但, 更重要的是, it’s the games’ capacity to dip repeatedly into a deep well of communal passion harbored by competitors and spectators alike. 不管组织上的不足和后勤上的混乱, these purported celebrations of one-world togetherness succeed because they indulge precisely what they claim to transcend: the world’s basest instinct for tribalism.”

然而,Browsh表示:“这些将会是非常棒的游戏. 我会看着这些运动员,为他们庆祝.”

也许比其他任何国际体育比赛都要多, the Olympics have given rise to incandescent moments of achievement and perseverance, to athletes transcending their various nations’ politics and coming together in genuine fellowship, to fans at home pausing their desire to beat the commies and happily cheering for the athletes from another country.

当观众, Browsh说, whether it’s a matter of compartmentalizing concerns about corruption in the IOC or fears of toxic nationalism or negotiating how to celebrate athletes’ hard work while not unquestioningly accepting nation building, “对运动的热爱是谈判的一个因素. We ignore some of the corruptions of the media, for example, to enjoy our favorite TV show. 博彩平台推荐协商这些空间是为了从生活中获得一些乐趣.

“就像很多事情一样, 我认为当博彩平台推荐考虑奥运会时,需要有一定程度的临界性. I’m not saying we should stop watching or stop enjoying them—that’s not something I’d ever want to do—but I am saying we should think about them and how we can do them better.”

上图:Robert Laberge/Getty Images

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