Graduate studies can be exhilarating, challenging and, at times, overwhelming. It is rarely mistaken as being an "easy" route by anyone's measure, and if you find you have entered a particularly difficult time period, 要知道你并不孤单. 


  • Ombuds办公室 – A confidential place to surface, voice, clarify and discuss university-related issues. Can help 研究生 students identify options to resolve disputes, to determine a course of action and to aid in the informal resolution of conflicts and concerns.
  • 学生支持和案例管理 - A team which can connect students with resources & 多方支持.
  • 学生的行为 & 解决冲突 -这个办公室可以帮忙管理 & resolve conflicts, including with other students.
  • 学生法律服务 - 服务 to help students resolve or minimize their legal situations. 


只要有可能, 研究生 students should seek informal resolution of academic issues and concerns directly with their faculty advisor, 委员会, 或者其他相关的个人. If this is not feasible or the 研究生 student is unsatisfied with the outcome they should speak to their program’s Director of Graduate Studies (also commonly referred to as the Associate Chair). Graduate director’s responsibilities include ensuring fair and equitable treatment of 研究生 students. The 研究生 director will advocate on behalf of the student with the faculty advisor or others if appropriate.

If the issue is not resolved through informal avenues, a student may contact the 研究生院 at 研究生 讨论进一步的选择. 学生可以选择提交正式申请 不满 他们的研究生项目. If the student is dissatisfied with the program level 不满 decision, then the student may subsequently submit a formal 不满 appeal to the 研究生院. 

A number of matters do not fall under the jurisdiction of the 研究生院 不满 process and procedure and have their own avenues for resolution. These include:grade appeals/academic decisions, 性骚扰指控, discrimination or harassment or retaliation, 研究不端行为的指控, allegations of unprofessional faculty conduct, 以及学生行为问题. Additional information can be found in section II.研究生院的博士学位 申诉程序和程序.


If a student has concerns about appointment duties, time commitment, compensation, etc., these should first be addressed to the employment supervisor. 如果这是不可行的, or the 研究生 student is unsatisfied with the outcome they should speak to the employing department’s Director of Graduate Studies (also commonly referred to as the Associate Chair). Graduate director’s responsibilities include ensuring fair and equitable treatment of 研究生 students and adjudicating any inconsistences between the employment contract (e.g., employment offer letter) and actual scope of work. The 研究生 director will advocate on behalf of the student with the employment supervisor or other faculty if appropriate.

 在和研究生主任一起工作之后, if the student still feels that they have not obtained a successful resolution they may contact the 研究生院 at 研究生 讨论进一步的选择. 

 If the issue is not resolved through informal avenues, a student may choose to file a formal 不满 他们的雇佣计划. If the student is dissatisfied with the program level 不满 decision, then the student may subsequently submit a 向研究生院提出正式申诉. 


  • 不要忽视它:寻求秘密的支持, 报告问题, and learning skills for helping as friends and bystanders.
  • Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance: implements and enforces three university policies: 歧视和骚扰; Sexual Misconduct, 亲密伴侣暴力, and Stalking; and Conflict of Interest in Cases of Amorous Relationship 
  • 受害者援助办公室:免费和保密的信息, 咨询, 支持, advocacy and short-term counseling services to 研究生 students who have experienced a traumatic, 令人不安或扰乱生活的事件 


The Honor Code allows academic integrity to flourish by recognizing the importance of trust, 尊重与责任. Students are expected to follow the Honor Code by not participating in academic dishonesty, 包括抄袭, cheating or helping another student gain an unfair advantage.Graduate students are subject to the Honor Code, and 学生行为和冲突解决 can assist with any concerns regarding academic dishonesty.


The University of Colorado's definition of research misconduct includes a number of categories, 包括剽窃, 伪造数据, 伪造资料, 和更多的. Allegations of research misconduct can be made by any person who is aware of research misconduct on the part of a 博彩平台推荐 researcher, 并且应该指向 研究诚信主任 through the Office of Research and Innovation.





休假 - Graduate students must be enrolled each fall and spring semester in order to remain in active student status. Applying for a leave of absence allows students to remain active in their program for up to one year without enrolling.


If you need same-day crisis or urgent 支持, please call 303-492-2277 for 24/7 支持. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.