The concurrent BAM (Bachelor’s加速米aster’s 程序) in 德国 Studies recognizes the need for master's-level training upon entering the job market in a variety of sectors that call for highly advanced proficiency in the 德国 language, knowledge of the 德国-speaking central Europe and its cultures, and the skills afforded to BA and MA graduates in the Humanities (research, 分析, 解释, 翻译, 通信).

The degree gives highly-motivated BA students the opportunity to earn an MA degree using an accelerated undergraduate program in combination with a fifth year of study. See below for application information. It is recommended that applications be turned in by the spring semester of the sophomore year.

学生的总成绩必须达到3分.25 GPA才能申请这个项目, and should have completed most of their MAPS/core requirements by the end of their sophomore year. 不需要GRE.


Students should apply for the 德国 BAM online.  Before filling out the online application, complete the 德国BAM应用.  The 德国 BAM application should be uploaded to the online application, along with an unofficial CU transcript. 学生应使用 BAM意图应用程序.


Students complete requirements for the 德语专业. Six 3000/4000 hours taken for the 德国 BA may be counted toward the 德国 MA. Students admitted to the BAM program can take 12 credit hours toward the MA while they are still completing their BA (these 12 hours include the 6 credit hours that count toward the BA and the MA). Note:  students should ensure they don't take over 12 hours toward toward their MA while they are still completing their BA.  If a student takes 13 hours, then they will lose one course (not just one credit hour).  With the exception of the 6 credit hours that can be counted toward both degrees, courses that will be used toward the MA degree cannot be used toward the BA degree.


Students will need to apply to graduate for the BA the semester they will complete the BA degree.  They will also need to apply for admission/continuation to the MA degree this same semester (students must begin the MA program within one academic year of completing their BA degree).  学生必须有一个累积3.0 GPA to continue with the MA degree.


Students will need to apply for the MA using the 硕士续读表格 the semester they complete the BA degree. Once a student is admitted to the MA degree, they will be changed to graduate status, 会收取研究生学费吗, and will be eligible for TAships and graduate scholarships/fellowships.  Being changed to graduate status might affect a student's financial aid. BAM students will follow all graduate school rules for MA students once they have started their MA degree.


  • GRMN 5010-3 Bibliography and Methods of Research (required)
  • Pick either thesis or non-thesis option. Students are strongly advised to pursue the non-thesis option; consent of both the undergraduate advisor and graduate director is required to take the thesis option.


GRMN 5010 and any seven 5000-level 德国 courses, or any 5000-level course(s) from another department (such as history, political science) for which the student has consent of the graduate director. (This does not include the six 3000/4000-level hours that can be counted toward both the BA and the MA.)


GRMN 5010 and any five courses listed under the non-thesis plan above and GRMN 6900, 硕士论文(6小时).


Non-thesis students will complete a written comprehensive exam followed by an oral defense in their final semester. Students should follow the guidelines for the comprehensive exam for 德国 MA students in the 德语硕士手册.

Students pursuing the thesis option take the comprehensive exam the semester before their final year (spring graduates will take the exam the spring semester before they graduate, fall graduates will take the exam the fall before they graduate).  With the approval of the 研究生 Director, students may take the comprehensive exam the semester before they graduate.  The comprehensive exam will be based on a reading list of approximately 15 works.  At the time of the comprehensive exam, students will submit a 2-3-page abstract outlining their thesis plan (in lieu of a longer thesis prospectus).  The writing and defense of the thesis will take place in the final semester (see the 德语硕士手册 for more information on format and deadlines).

请注意: students are strongly advised to pursue the non-thesis option; consent of the graduate director is required to take the thesis option.

For more information on the BA/MA in 德国, contact Prof. 阿恩·霍克(阿恩 or contact the Program Assistant, Karen Hawley (凯伦, (303) 492-3529, McKenna 129.