
Important update: Sept. 21, 2023




Colorado has seen an increase in fentanyl overdoses over the past year. Here are five things everyone should know about fentanyl.

What is fentanyl?



Why is fentanyl dangerous?

芬太尼经常与其他物质混合或作为芬太尼以外的物质销售, such as prescription medications. 这可能是危险的,因为人们经常在不知情或无意中服用芬太尼, which can result in accidental overdoses or death.

Fentanyl is often added to:

  • Powders (like cocaine)
  • 胶囊
  • 看起来像处方药的压制药片(如Xanax或Oxy/M30s)
  • … and much more!

Experts consider 2 mg of fentanyl to be lethal, 但许多假药的含量高达5毫克(是致死剂量的两倍多)。. This amount is incredibly small. 看看旁边的图片,看看2毫克芬太尼是什么样子. 

Important: While these drugs have tested positive for fentanyl by public health agencies, it’s important to remember that any pill or drug sold on the internet, 在大街上或者你认识的人那里都可能含有致命剂量的芬太尼.

Photo of a lethal dose of fentanyl next to a penny.


How common is fentanyl?

Fentanyl may be more common than you think.

科罗拉多州当局在过去的一年里发现了大量芬太尼的流入,预计未来几个月过量服用的情况会增加. 事实上, 疾病预防控制中心宣布芬太尼现在是美国18至45岁成年人死亡的主要原因. 

Additionally, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 在所有被检测的假药中,近一半含有致命剂量的芬太尼. 这一数字尤其令人担忧,因为很难区分真药和假药. 看看下面的例子,看看假药是如何被设计得和真药一样的.

How common is fentanyl?

Fentanyl may be more common than you think.

科罗拉多州当局在过去的一年里发现了大量芬太尼的流入,预计未来几个月过量服用的情况会增加. 事实上, 疾病预防控制中心宣布芬太尼现在是美国18至45岁成年人死亡的主要原因. 

Additionally, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 在所有被检测的假药中,近一半含有致命剂量的芬太尼. 这一数字尤其令人担忧,因为很难区分真药和假药.

Tips for staying safe

虽然芬太尼可能是致命的,但你可以做一些事情来保护你自己和你的朋友. Here are some tips and strategies you can use to prevent accidental overdoses.

 Please note: 由于芬太尼的不可预测性,没有万无一失的方法来消除过量的风险. 

Know what you’re getting into

假设任何不是直接从药店购买的药丸或药物都可能含有芬太尼. This includes illicit drugs (cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.) as well as prescription medications (Xanax, Oxycodone, etc.).

Have naloxone on hand

Carry naloxone and make sure you know how to use it. 

纳洛酮是一种经fda批准的药物,可用于暂时逆转阿片类药物过量. 纳洛酮通常通过鼻腔喷雾剂给药,但也可以注射. This medication help can temporarily reverse opioid overdoses, but it can wear off quickly or require additional doses for fentanyl.

All CU Boulder students, staff and faculty can pick up free naloxone from 健康 Promotion on the third floor of Wardenburg 健康 Center.

了解更多 about naloxone and how to use it

Watch this video on when and how to use naloxone

Be prepared to call for help

Look for these signs:

  • Pinpoint (small) pupils
  • Shallow or no breathing
  • Blue or grayish lips/fingernails
  • No response to stimulus (i.e. being pinched)
  • Gurgling/heavy wheezing or snoring sound

If signs of an overdose are present:

  • Ask if the person is alright and look for a response
  • Make a fist, and use your knuckles to apply downward pressure to their sternum (do not hit them); this is a test to see if they respond to the pain stimulus

If they do not respond:

  • 拨打911
  • Administer naloxone if available
  • 开始心肺复苏术

Naloxone will not harm someone who is not overdosing—when in doubt use it!

Important policies to know

CU Boulder Amnesty Policy

在与酒精或毒品有关的紧急情况下寻求帮助意味着无论是寻求帮助的人还是需要帮助的人都不会受到大学的正式纪律处分.e., probation, suspension, expulsion).   

To be covered by the Amnesty Policy, a student must:  

  • Call for help (911 or university staff). 
  • Stay with the individual until help arrives. 
  • Cooperate with staff and emergency responders. 

911 Good Samaritan Law

《博彩平台推荐》规定,举报犯罪行为的人可免于刑事起诉, in good faith, an emergency drug or alcohol overdose even to a law enforcement officer, to the 911 system or to a medical provider.  

同样的豁免也适用于在执法人员到达之前留在事件现场的人, or an emergency medical responder arrives, 或者该人留在医疗机构直到执法人员到达, emergency medical responder or medical provider arrives. 上述免疫也适用于遭受药物或酒精过量紧急事件的人. 

Avoid using substances alone

If you can’t be in the company of someone else who is sober, plan to have someone check in on you in case you need help. 如果你的朋友也在使用手机,那就让其他人帮你检查一下. It’s also important to have naloxone on hand. 确保每个人都知道在紧急情况下在哪里可以博彩平台推荐它以及如何使用它.

Start small and go slow 

每次使用可能被芬太尼污染的东西时,都要从非常小的剂量开始. Because fentanyl is often mixed in with other substances in large batches, the amount present in a single pill or drug can vary widely. One pill may be fine, and the next may not be.

Test for fentanyl

There are a number of test strips you can use to test for fentanyl. However, it’s important to know that a negative result does not mean there is no fentanyl present. 芬太尼可能存在于药丸的未测试区域,或者药丸中含有不同的合成阿片类药物.

Sobriety can reduce tolerance 

如果你过去使用过芬太尼或其他物质,并且最近经历了一段时间的清醒, your tolerance for the drug has likely decreased. If you choose to use again, 注意药物效力的潜在变化,从比你过去可能使用的剂量小的剂量开始. 这些策略可以帮助你避免意外服药过量或其他不想要的经历.

What resources are available?

Campus resources


Community resources


  • Boulder Works Program
    • The Works Program is a free, legal and anonymous harm reduction program that provides free supplies, disposal programs and referrals. 他们的目标是降低博尔德县社区的疾病和过量死亡风险.
  • Stop the Clock
    • There is a fatal overdose in Colorado every 4 hours, 45 minutes and 9 seconds. 停止时钟将社区成员与药店和其他提供纳洛酮的网站联系起来.
  • Boulder County Substance Use Advisory Group
    • The Substance Use Advisory Group is working toward preventing fatal overdoses, destigmatizing substance use disorders (SUDs), 促进减少伤害并支持受影响的个人接受治疗和康复.
  • Substance use hotline
    • 药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局(SAMHSA)提供免费的, confidential, 为面临精神健康和/或药物使用障碍的个人和家庭提供的24/7治疗转诊和信息热线.