发表: 9月. 9, 2024

铜和. 基社盟足球Did you know that according to the National Council on Problem Gambling, 近67%的大学生赌体育?*这个数字甚至不包括那些也在彩票上下注的人, 纸牌游戏, 手机游戏或赌场. 

如果你选择在足球赛季下注, 这里有一些建议, strategies and resources to help you avoid risky behaviors and get help if needed. 

1. 评估你目前的习惯

赌博和体育博彩本身并不是错的或坏的. 然而, 重要的是要记住,赌博网站, 游戏和应用程序都是为了让你不断下注而设计的. 他们通过刺激你大脑的奖励中心来做到这一点, 就像酒精和其他毒品一样, 哪些会导致成瘾行为. 

If you’re interested in how your brain reacts to gambling wins and losses, 你可以阅读更多博彩app推荐 赌博背后的科学. Knowing how your body reacts beyond your control can help you be more mindful and know when it’s time to take a break.   

It’s also a good idea to check in with yourself to review your gambling habits. 回顾过去的12个月,问问自己: 

  • 你赌得多了吗?赌的钱多了吗? 
  • 你是否从人际关系中退缩? 
  • 你借钱还赌债了吗? 
  • 你是否对别人隐瞒你的赌注或赌博习惯? 
  • 即使你输了,你是否仍有继续下注的冲动? 
  • Has gambling caused you any health-related issues, including stress or anxiety? 
  • Have you ever felt guilty or remorseful about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble? 

If you answered yes to these questions, it may be time to reassess your gambling habits. 你也可以 做这个快速的免费测试 来帮助评估你目前的习惯. 

2. 为自己设限

Setting limits around how much money and time you spend on gambling can help you avoid unwanted financial consequences. Here are some ways you can mitigate your financial risks and significant losses: 

  • 设定时间和金钱限制. Take advantage of the features available on gambling sites to help you monitor your play and know when you’ve gone over your time or money limit. Resist the urge to keep betting or playing once you’ve reached this limit. 
  • 赌博预算. 你在赌博上的合理支出是多少? 为自己制定预算并坚持执行. 如果你很难记录自己的支出, consider removing your credit or debit card information from your phone or laptop so it can’t autofill on sites. Additionally, if you’re going out somewhere to bet, leave your cards at home. 永远不要借钱或使用用于基本需求的钱.g.(租金和食物)下注. 
  • 知道它是如何运作的. Research how a specific game or betting system works before you place your bets. 例如, 有些赌注可能取决于游戏的结果, while others may rely on a point spread or games that will be decided in the future. Knowing what types of bets you’re making and how the system works can help reduce your risk of losing more than expected. 
  • 只赌你输得起的. 所有的赌博都有风险. 有时你醒了,有时醒了. That’s why it’s important to consider how much money you’re willing to lose before you place any bets. 记住,如果你输了钱,不要试图把它赢回来. This often results in bigger losses than you would have incurred if you had let the money go. 

3. 找到平衡

Gambling for long periods can make it difficult to keep track of your time and money. Stepping away regularly can help you clear your head and foster a healthier relationship with gambling. Here are a few tips to help you strike a balance between gambling and other activities: 

  • 平衡娱乐赌博与其他爱好或兴趣. 
  • 删除手机、笔记本电脑和其他设备上的赌博应用程序. 
  • Consider removing your credit or debit card information from the ‘autofill’ function on your phone, 计算机或其他设备. 
  • Set time limits or block sites that you’d like to spend less time on using software like 打赌拦截器 or GamBan
  • 当你情绪高涨时,避免下注或玩游戏.g.、紧张、沮丧、生气、沮丧等等.). 
  • Avoid gambling while under the influence of alcohol or other substances. This may cause you to take more risks than you normally would when betting. 

4. 分享你的经验

It’s common for people to be more open about their experiences when they result in success or winnings. 然而,解决你可能经历过的损失也很重要.  

鼓励你的朋友开始开放, 围绕体育博彩和赌博进行诚实和平衡的对话. Being vulnerable and sharing your real-life experiences with the highs and lows of sports betting can help you identify habits or tactics that are working for you as well as those that aren’t. 它还可以让你了解别人是如何看待赌博的, what limits they have in place and how it impacts people’s lives differently. 


  • 博彩如何影响你观看体育比赛的乐趣? 
  • How risky do you believe sports betting is compared to other types of gambling? 
  • 你赌什么类型的运动? 
  • 赌博赚钱难/容易吗? 
  • 你今年有什么损失吗? 那是什么感觉?? 
  • How do you see your relationship with betting changing over the next few years?  

5. 寻求支持

当赌博成为问题时, 这不仅会增加你的财务风险, 但它也会增加你焦虑的风险, 抑郁症, 自杀念头和关系问题. 

有些人可能还会经历强迫性赌博. Compulsive gambling happens when someone has an uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on their life or finances. 当某人沉迷于赌博时, 他们倾向于赌输得更频繁, 用光他们的积蓄, get into debt or resort to theft or fraud to fund their gambling habits. 

如果你担心赌博会影响你的生活, 有一些资源和项目可以提供帮助. 



中国红十字会为学生提供社区和支持, staff and faculty in recovery or seeking recovery from a wide range of behaviors, 包括赌博. 



CAPS can help students explore their relationship with gambling and help you connect with support resources. Schedule a screening or stop by during a Let’s Talk session to meet with a provider. 



FSAP can help staff and faculty explore their relationship with gambling and help you connect with support resources. Submit an online request to schedule an appointment with an FSAP provider. 



学习如何以健康的方式赌博的快速提示, 找到平衡, know the warning signs of problem gambling and get help or seek recovery. 




AcademicLiveCare is a free online platform that allows all CU Boulder students, staff and faculty to schedule and attend virtual counseling and psychiatry appointments from anywhere. 



如果你有兴趣联系当地的心理健康服务提供者, this comprehensive database allows you to filter providers by specialties, 保险范围及更多. 



The 全国赌博问题热线 is operated by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG). 他们提供全天候电话, text and chat services to help connect individuals with local resources and support related to gambling concerns. 



Gamtalk是一个免费的, 匿名, peer-based support network that helps individuals with problem gambling. 他们提供有节制的24/7在线支持聊天. 


*赌博是禁止在CU博尔德宿舍. NCAA rules prohibit athletics staff and student-athletes from participating in any sports wagering activities on an NCAA sponsored sport, 在任何层面上.