Published: Sept. 8, 2024

Nancy Covey (International Affairs & Political Science, 2002) has been a valuable member of the IAFS Advisory Board 自2023年2月起担任IAFS学生的导师 IAFS Mentorship Program. 博彩平台推荐在2024年8月采访了南希,了解她如何将她在博彩平台推荐的教育应用到她在气候领域的工作中, tech, and energy. Read Nancy's full interview below.

Nancy co-founded and is COO at Quoll Intelligence, 这家总部位于纽约的公司专注于帮助房主适应并降低气候变化带来的风险. Previously, Nancy was executive director at S&P Global, working in Boulder, Washington DC, London and Denver, 她是能源部门管理团队的一员. 她还领导了各种能源市场的产品发布和业务增长, globally, and at AutoGrid, a California-based SaaS startup, where she led the go to market efforts for PR and marketing, 将公司推向亚太地区,并扩大其在美国和欧洲市场的影响力.


我小时候搬到国外,在美国以外的地方读高中, 我对尽可能多地了解其他文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,并理解世界为什么是这样运行的. I knew beyond just wanting to travel, I wanted to work in an international capacity after school, which meant needing to learn about other countries, their economies and political systems, customs and cultural differences, etc. IAFS和PSCI非常适合为我提供在世界各地舒适移动所需的背景.

你在博彩平台推荐的教育对你的职业道路有何影响, particularly in the energy and technology sectors?

A lot of what you see in the world, whether policies, economies, politics or conflicts, revolves around natural resources and technology. 我在科罗拉多大学的教育为我的知识和对不同制度和文化如何影响这些市场的理解奠定了基础. For example, 一家在美国运营的上市公司与另一个国家的国有公司的运作方式截然不同. 与不同政治体系和经济背景的公司合作需要我在科罗拉多大学开发的那种坚实的基础.

In your professional career, you have had many leadership roles, from Director to VP to Founder and COO. 如果你有什么领导力方面的建议可以与IAFS的学生和校友分享, what would you share?

The world around us is dynamic and in many ways, fluid. 事情之所以是这样,总是有原因的, they aren’t necessarily good or the best way forward. Always challenge the status quo. 你永远不知道在某种情况下,带头发问会产生什么样的新概念或创新, “Can we do things better? And how?”

Are there any new areas or challenges in the climate, tech, 或者未来你很想探索的能源空间?

我很高兴能在这三个主题的交汇处工作, climate, tech, and energy, 特别是在房地产和建筑环境的背景下. 气候风险及其带来的金融影响正在影响着博彩平台推荐所有人, 使一些地方的住房负担不起,不可持续. 通过技术来应对这些挑战,无论是通过以新的方式对数据进行建模来管理和降低财务风险,还是通过使用减轻物理气候风险和促进多样化能源选择的技术,都为博彩平台推荐的家园和社区提供了许多机会,使其更具弹性.

What drew you to join the IAFS Advisory Board, 以及您如何看待您在顾问委员会和IAFS项目的发展和成功中所扮演的角色?

When the IAFS Advisory Board first launched the IAFS Mentorship Program a few years ago, I had the privilege of serving as a mentor, 让我了解到董事会正在做的更广泛、更了不起的工作. 为IAFS学生提供全球机会的使命尤其吸引我. Even more so, I witnessed the incredible work of the Board in action, 在短短几个月内为全球赠款计划筹集了数十万美元! 自加入以来,我一直在全球赠款、财务和战略委员会任职. 我有机会分享我的经验,并与董事会的其他成员合作,思考不断变化的世界,以及博彩平台推荐如何调整董事会的方法,以帮助IAFS项目继续提供满足学生不断变化的需求的机会.


IAFS社区是真正独特的,专门定位于帮助培养下一代全球领导者. 我坚信,亲身体验其他文化对于理解不同的观点至关重要——这是全球领导者与众不同的品质. 董事会有一个巨大的机会来帮助IAFS学生获得这种宝贵的曝光 Global Grants Scholarship. Additionally, the IAFS Mentorship Program 将学生与校友联系起来,其中许多人本身就是全球领袖. 在我的职业生涯中受益于指导,回馈对我来说很重要. I’ve had the opportunity to tutor for many years, participate as a mentor in multiple programs, serve as a school board trustee, 甚至担任政府科学家开发人类新解决方案的游说教练. Each of those opportunities has been uniquely rewarding, 而在IAFS顾问委员会任职则是这一职责的延伸. 我很荣幸能在这个不可思议的董事会任职,并继续寻找帮助培养下一代的方法.

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