发表: 9月. 14, 2018

The University of Colorado Board of Regents on Friday affirmed the university’s longstanding commitment to free speech and clarified the difference between academic freedom and freedom of expression in a vote to revise its laws and policies.

The board approved additions and refinements to its 法律s and Policies that enact broad protections for both freedom of expression and academic freedom, while clarifying the responsibilities of members of the university community when events occur on the campus, when discussions occur in classroom and in the pursuit of knowledge and research.


CU Boulder's new 自由表达网站 serves as a clearinghouse for students, 博彩app推荐政策的教职员工, 与言论自由有关的演讲者和价值观.

The move came after more than a year of work that was part of a comprehensive review of Regent 法律s and Policies. 教师, staff and student groups collaborated with the Board of Regents during the process, offered improvements that were incorporated into the final documents and endorsed the result.


“The university needs to be a place where we debate ideas with respect and rigor, 这清楚地表明了大学的立场,摄政王史蒂夫·路德维希说. “博彩平台推荐处在一个更好的地方.”

The revisions recognize for the first time that 教师 and students have academic freedom and also balances their respective rights and responsibilities. The Board of Regents has long recognized a broad definition of academic freedom that encompasses 教师 member’s ability to teach truth as the 教师 member sees it within disciplinary standards. 新的条款承认, while 教师 members have the ability to direct the course of classroom discussions, students have the ability to raise questions and take reasoned exception to the views and data presented by others.

While the university has always been subject to the First Amendment, the revisions also spell out how speakers and events occur on campus. The policies address freedom of expression separately from academic freedom because of the need to distinguish what happens in the classroom (academic freedom) and what happens in people’s private lives and on forums around campus (freedom of expression). While encouraging expression across the campuses on all matters of social and political significance, the policy also works to ensure a safe educational environment.

“The university exists for no greater purpose than to have students challenge their beliefs. What’s taught in the university today is reflected in our society tomorrow,摄政王海蒂·加纳说. “这个社区的每个人——学生, 教师, staff – are doing things and not just talking about them.”

The new policies are consistent with Colorado’s 参议院第62号法案 and the U.S. Constitution, said Patrick O’Rourke, CU’s general counsel. 参议院第62号法案, 2018年立法会议通过, ensures that free speech can occur in public spaces on campuses, prohibits universities from confining expression to “free speech zones” and allows universities to enact viewpoint neutral rules to guard against disruptions to the learning environment.

“The changes affirm the university’s commitment to being a place where both free speech and academic freedom are valued, 支持和保护,奥罗克说. “Universities should be places where ideas are explored.”

While the Board of Regents has been revising its laws and policies for more than a year, the amendments dealing with academic freedom and freedom of expression come at a time when many universities across the nation have faced challenges to how they promote both free speech and a respectful learning environment.

Higher education traditionally identifies academic freedom and freedom as expression as fundamental. 没有这些自由, 一所大学不能完成它的使命, but sometimes an environment that places a premium upon them allows 教师 and students to express views that some consider unorthodox, 侮辱性的或冒犯性的. 同时, members of the university community value diverse and inclusive learning environments, and they expect universities to promote a culture of respect and civility.

O’Rourke said supporting free expression and supporting an inclusive environment are not mutually exclusive, and that the revisions to CU’s policies create a framework that allows them to co-exist.

科罗拉多大学博尔德校区也推出了一个 自由表达网站 投票后, 哪个是学生的博彩app推荐, 博彩app推荐政策的教职员工, 与言论自由有关的演讲者和价值观.