By Published: March 2, 2022

Stanley McChrystal speaking to the CU Boulder community

Stanley McChrystal, 退役四星上将,前联合特种作战司令部司令, 周一晚上,他在博彩平台推荐的一次演讲中分享了他对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的看法.

虽然他的重点是在不确定时期的领导能力,作为世界的一部分 Leo Hill Leadership Speaker Series, 博彩平台推荐校长菲利普·迪斯特法诺(Philip DiStefano)向将军询问了他对全世界都在关注的乌克兰战争的看法. 


Chancellor Phil DiStefano and Stanley McChrystal

Chancellor Philip DiStefano talks with Stanley McChrystal

“I think it’s almost a test,” he told the audience of more than 1,000 students, faculty, staff and community members at Macky Auditorium.

每隔一段时间,在博彩平台推荐的个人生活和社会生活中, we get a test on whether we’re going to do the right thing or not. Whether we’re going to show strength. Whether we’re going to show compassion. Whether we’re going to do what we have to.” 

“I obviously think we need to.”


普京不可能在一夜之间用武力征服乌克兰,并把它作为一个 “fait accompli.” There was a lengthy period of posturing, 这使得各国能够计划各种应对措施并创造全球透明度. 

他说:“西方在提高透明度和让人们看到这一切方面做得很好, which made more people not be able to ignore it,” McChrystal said. 

Also, 乌克兰的防御比普京可能预期的更强大,俄罗斯军队可能没有那么强大. As for what’s next, McChrystal said nations can’t dodge the issue. 

“As this thing plays out, we’ve got to make hard decisions.” 

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The Leo Hill Speaker Series event also 是表彰今年博彩平台推荐年度学生领袖的机会吗.

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他说:“我希望和平与稳定能够找到上星期生活方式受到威胁的所有人,” DiStefano said. “今晚有机会在安全的情况下相聚,我感到非常荣幸, even as so much devastation occurs half a world away.” 

McChrystal, co-author of the book Risk: A User’s Guide他是美国国家广播公司的标志性节目“演讲系列”的第六位演讲嘉宾 Center for Leadership overseen by the chancellor. DiStefano also called out and celebrated the CU Boulder student leaders of the year.

As for leadership and lessons learned, 麦克里斯特尔分享了他在战场上的传奇生涯以及作为组织领导专家的一些重要见解和轶事. 

Take a step back

他的许多人生经验都来自于退后一步,从不同的角度或有利位置审视一个问题. He used the example of Damocles, who focused so myopically on the sword hanging over his head, he was miserable and unable to enjoy the lovely things around him.

Stanley McChrystal

You can fail without being a failure.”
–Stanley McChrystal

McChrystal noted, when you occupy the seat of power and responsibility, it comes with risks like almost everything in life. 

“We often get fixated by risk.”

Preparation and discipline 

Preparation is key to dealing with any emergent situation or risk. 他说,这是肌肉记忆的建立,并指出博彩平台推荐在任何危机中所做的事情有85%是相同的.

In large organizations, 灵活和适应性是具有挑战性的,因为要按照以前的方式做事会有压力. 麦克里斯特尔说,重要的是要使组织扁平化,这样信息才能与不同的利益相关者实时共享,共同关注结果. 机构或组织的主流箴言应该是:如果博彩平台推荐不改变,博彩平台推荐就会失败. 

“现在总是创建具有你所需要的弹性的组织的时候. You never know when you’re going to need it.” 

麦克里斯特尔说,为一个组织和你自己制定明确的标准是至关重要的. 你做那些你认为你应该做的事情,即使它们可能不方便, frightening or costly. 

Self-discipline can also be more practical. 麦克里斯特尔证实了他生命中有一段时间他每天要跑10公里,只吃一顿饭,只睡4个小时.

“That all was true.”

自律也意味着控制自己的情绪,不公开说一件事,私下说另一件事. 如果一个领导上下摇摆,这可能会导致员工或其他选民采取试探性的行动. 

“Leaders can’t be mercurial...Be the kind of leader the organization needs.” 

Sometimes, we are the problem

促使麦克里斯特尔写一本博彩app推荐风险的书的一个重要因素是,他想了解为什么人们在管理风险方面如此糟糕, even if they have all the knowledge they need to solve a problem.


深红传染病紧急反应演习的行动后报告——与covid -19惊人地相似——概述了需要解决的缺点. They never were. 

麦克里斯特尔称科学发现的速度和疫苗的快速推出是奇迹, and yet, 政治内斗和协调不力的国家应对措施导致了失败,因为单个城市和县没有自己对抗新冠病毒的手段. 

On a personal note, McChrystal acknowledged his own missteps. 

McChrystal resigned from his Army career and post leading U.S. forces in Afghanistan after a 2010年,《博彩app推荐》杂志发表了一篇文章,其中包括他的助手对奥巴马政府的不恭维评论. Even though there were issues with the article, McChrystal said it was right for him to take responsibility.

“Everyone in the room is likely to have failure,” McChrystal said, noting the most important thing is what you do right after.

“Don’t relitigate..., just move forward,” McChrystal said. “You can fail without being a failure.”