
The reality is that most sexual assaults are carried out by friends, 熟人, 合作伙伴, 前任或某人在网上或聚会上认识的人. Perpetrators often rely on substances (with or without a person’s knowledge) to commit sexual assault. 

Here are seven things you should know about drug-facilitated sexual assault and drink spiking.

1. 什么是毒品性侵犯?

There are two primary ways that drug-facilitated sexual assault occurs.

  • A person takes advantage of someone’s voluntary use of alcohol or other drugs.
  • A person intentionally forces someone to consume alcohol or other drugs with or without their knowledge to manipulate the situation and commit sexual assault. 这可以包括在饮料中添加兴奋剂等策略.

Many survivors have strong feelings of self-blame after a sexual assault, even when someone takes advantage of them through the use of alcohol or other drugs. It’s important to remember that even when someone chooses to use substances, they are not giving up their bodily autonomy or choosing to be violated. The blame for sexual assault always rests with the person who committed the assault.

2. 什么物质可以用来促进性侵犯?

Alcohol is the most commonly used substance in drug-facilitated sexual assault, but other substances can also be slipped into alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks. 这通常被称为“喝烈酒”.


  • Prescription drugs like sleep aids, anxiety medication, muscle relaxers and/or tranquilizers.
  • 非处方药,如苯海拉明, 当与酒精混合时,哪些会增加中毒.
  • 街头毒品, 像迷奸, 这种药(“饮品中“迷奸药), 狂喜, 莫利和/或氯胺酮(K), which can be added to drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) without changing the color, 饮料的味道或气味.

3. 你应该注意什么?

如果你在聚会或和朋友出去, it’s important to keep an eye out for sketchy situations that may indicate that someone is trying to facilitate sexual assault through the use of alcohol or other drugs.


  • Coercing or pressuring someone beyond their comfort zone to consume more alcohol or drugs than they are comfortable with to make them vulnerable.
  • Initiating sexual contact with someone because they are intoxicated and less likely to resist.
  • Isolating someone who has had too much to drink or is having a negative drug experience to take advantage of them.
  • Not telling someone what is in their drink or the type of dosage of drug they are ingesting to incapacitate a person and gain access to them.

4. 人们可能会遇到哪些常见症状?

Many symptoms of drugging are similar to those someone might experience from excessive drinking or purposefully mixing substances. This is because people can easily lose track of how much they’ve consumed. 此外,饮用高浓度酒精(如.g.伏特加、龙舌兰酒、威士忌等.) with a mixer or something sweet can increase the likelihood of someone becoming intoxicated quickly.

Drugging often results in sudden changes in how a person feels or behaves. These symptoms typically occur quickly even when someone has consumed very little or no alcohol.


  • Sudden onset of feeling drunk after having consumed very little or no alcohol
  • 突然呼吸困难
  • 突然头晕、迷失方向或视力模糊
  • 突如其来的恶心
  • Sudden body temperature that may result in sweating or teeth chattering
  • Waking up with no memory or missing large portions of memory

5. What should you do if you believe someone has been drugged?

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above in yourself or someone else, 立即找一个值得信任的人. Friends and bystanders are particularly important in situations when someone is vulnerable due to their level of intoxication, or if a person has been intentional incapacitated by drugs in an attempt to facilitate sexual assault or other crimes. Impaired and incapacitated people are unable to advocate for and protect themselves. 


6. 如何保存证据?

If you or someone you know suspects that they have been drugged, steps can be taken to preserve evidence for a possible investigation. Many of these drugs leave the body quickly (typically within 12 to 72 hours). 如果有人不能马上去医院, 他们可以把尿保存在一个干净的, sealable container as soon as possible and place it in the fridge or freezer. 

寻找支持资源或医疗中心 that can provide sexual assault forensic exams (SANE) and test blood and urine for substances.

7. 有哪些可用的支持资源?

If you believe that you have been drugged or sexually assaulted, 有一些资源可以提供帮助.

OVA提供免费和保密的信息, 咨询, 支持, 倡导和短期, 为学生提供以创伤为重点的咨询服务, staff and faculty who have experienced and/or witnessed a traumatic or disturbing event, 包括性侵犯.


The 不要忽视它 website provides information about reporting, 寻求支持,帮助朋友. 如果感觉不对劲,很可能就是不对劲. 不要忽视它.

医疗服务 at Wardenburg 健康 Center provides urine testing for drugs, 怀孕和性传播感染. 

OIEC implements and enforces university policies around sexual assault, 亲密伴侣虐待和跟踪, 以及其他形式的不当性行为. If you or someone you know at CU has been impacted, reports can be filed online. 匿名举报也是一种选择.

If you would like to have your case investigated, you can contact your local police department. 你可以直接打电话给他们,或者亲自去车站. You can also contact CU Boulder 警察 (CUPD) for 支持. Call or text 911, call the CUPD non-emergency line at 303-492-6666 or 博彩平台推荐网站.

经历过某些罪行的人, 比如性侵犯或家庭暴力, 可能有资格申请U.S. 透过 你的签证 or VAWA亲自申请,不论其移民身份如何. 请和一位 移民律师 or a non-profit organization that assists immigrants to learn more about the eligibility requirements, 申请过程, 和时间表. 了解更多博彩app推荐 免费或低成本的合法移民服务.