应用数学系成员的研究涉及数学的发展和应用-数学建模, analysis, and computation—in order to solve real-world problems.  每位教职员工的研究至少涉及以下六个主要研究领域中的一个.

Research Areas

Computational Mathematics

计算数学的研究在过去的15年里发展迅速,使数学家能够回答问题,并发展出20-30年前不可能的见解. 现代计算方法需要对包括线性代数在内的各种数学学科有深入的了解, analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, asymptotic analysis, elements of harmonic analysis, and nonlinear equations.

因为计算机对应用数学家来说是无价的工具, 学生应具备高度专业的计算机知识水平,并掌握操作系统和硬件的基本知识.

计算数学课程包括计算线性代数的学习, optimization, 常微分方程和偏微分方程的数值解, 非线性方程的解,以及小波和多分辨率分析的高级研讨会.


Primary Faculty:

Secondary Faculty:

Mathematical Biology

最近在定量研究生物现象的能力方面取得的进展为应用数学家提供了大量令人兴奋的机会. The careful modeling, analysis, 使用应用数学的标准工具对这些系统进行模拟,已经导致了对生物学的新颖和非直觉的见解. 博彩平台推荐的教师在偏微分方程和常微分方程中使用技术, applied analysis, stochastic processes, probability theory, and numerical analysis.

Furthermore, 对生物系统固有的复杂性和多尺度性质有更深的理解, in many cases, requires the development of new mathematical tools, techniques, 方法论(这是应用数学特别适合的挑战). Research areas in APPM encompass: cell migration, ecology, infectious diseases, neuroscience, and genetics.

数学生物学课程包括生物科学中的建模研究, computational neuroscience, mathematical computational biology, as well as an advanced seminar series.



Primary Faculty:

Secondary Faculty:

Mathematical Geosciences

Mathematical geosciences encompass quantitative modeling, analysis, and simulation of all aspects of the Earth system. 博彩平台推荐教师的研究涉及广泛的地球科学:从地球动力学到海洋环流, 从地震成像的计算方法到天气对流行病学的影响, from tsunamis to stochastic weather generators. The complex and multiscale nature of geophysical systems, in many cases, 需要开发新的数学模型和仿真策略, 这是应用数学特别适合的挑战.

Appropriate coursework includes analysis and computation, probability and statistics, 以及有意从事研究的科学或工程领域的背景课程.


Primary Faculty:

Secondary Faculty: (None currently)

Applied Nonlinear PDEs and Dynamics

应用数学系在非线性偏微分方程和动力学方面的研究本质上是跨学科的, i.e.,涉及对有直接物理应用的数学问题的研究. 物理启发的研究问题总是导致复杂的非线性现象,因此, in addition to mathematical analysis, 他们的解决方案需要对底层应用领域有深入的了解, 通常需要数值计算方面的知识和经验. 应用数学系专门从事这方面的研究,一般研究非线性波的问题, dynamical systems, partial differential equations and applications. Topics of interest include wave motion, solitons and traveling waves, dispersive shock waves, integrable systems, pattern formation, qualitative structure and bifurcation theory, dynamics on networks, and transport phenomena.  应用领域包括许多物理领域(流体动力学), condensed matter, optics, plasma), biology (neural systems, ecology), and sociology (crime, social networks).

这一领域的课程包括动力系统、非线性波和许多高级研讨课程.  在动力学研讨会和非线性波研讨会上定期提供这一领域的研究报告.

Suitable background coursework includes analysis, numerical analysis, partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, and methods of applied mathematics.


Primary Faculty

Secondary Faculty

Statistics and Data Science

统计学和数据科学是实证探究的研究. 统计科学侧重于数据分析方法的发展,这些方法普遍存在,适用于所有科学, 以及支持这些方法的理论基础. 数据科学侧重于将这些方法应用于数据问题, 包括实现的发展和计算方面的相关研究. 最重要的是跨学科研究在解决具有科学影响的问题方面的作用, which often motivate the need for new statistical methodology.  在统计和数据科学领域工作的教师涵盖了广泛的专业知识和领域知识,包括贝叶斯计算, epidemiology, statistical climatology, statistics for energy science, signal processing and image analysis, networks, machine learning for physical systems, 不确定度的量化以及协同研究的研究. 

Appropriate coursework includes statistics, probability, 计算和数学分析以及有意从事研究的科学或工程领域的背景课程.


Primary Faculty:


Stochastic Processes and Applications

随机过程与应用(SPA)研究小组旨在开发和应用概率工具来建模, predict, and analyze randomness in real-life phenomena. 因此,SPA包含了理论和应用概率的各个领域, including Bayesian networks, computational biology, computational probability, discrete probability, mathematical finance, Markov processes, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, optimal stopping, stochastic control, stochastic differential equations, and random graphs.

鼓励对这一领域感兴趣的学生先学习应用概率(APPM 3570/STAT 3100)。.

适合这方面研究的课程包括高维动力系统中的数据同化(APPM 4/5510), Mathematical Statistics (APPM 5520), Stochastic Analysis for Finance (APPM 4/5530), Time Series (APPM 4/5540), Markov Processes, Queues, and Monte Carlo Simulation (APPM 4/5560), Random Graphs (APPM 4/5565), and Introduction to Stochastic Processes (APPM 6550). 这些课程可以辅以专题课程,如“测度论概率论”," "Stochastic Simulation," and "Stochastic Differential Equations."


Primary Faculty:

Secondary Faculty: