发表: 1月. 18, 2024

CU Boulder nutritionist 妮可长铁楔 will discuss this vital macronutrient during the 1月. 博彩平台推荐一起来参加研讨会吧


如果你像大多数美国人一样, 你可能是,但话又说回来, it’s understandable if you don’t know for sure, 根据 妮可长铁楔, a nutritionist and assistant teaching professor in the 博彩平台推荐 综合生理学系.

“我发现很多学生, 或者只是一般的人, 认为他们没有摄入足够的蛋白质, 当, 事实上, 如果他们吃肉, it’s actually pretty easy to get enough in your diet,她说。.

Stob will share insights regarding the benefits of protein, 蛋白质的种类, the ideal protein intake for special populations, and some misconceptions about protein during her upcoming 让博彩平台推荐好好学习 “蛋白质:它适合我吗?? 专业提示:它适合所有人.”


妮可长铁楔, a nutritionist and CU Boulder assistant teaching professor of integrative physiology, will discuss the importance of protein during a 1月. 29 让博彩平台推荐好好学习 演讲.

The seminar is scheduled as a Zoom 演讲 starting at 1 p.m. 一月星期一. 29. The event is free, but registration is required.

The 让博彩平台推荐好好学习 speaker series are offered with CU staff, students and interested 社区 members in mind. 这个系列是…的分支 很好, a wellness initiative launched by the 文理学院.

在她的演讲中, 长铁楔说 she will emphasize why protein is important, beyond simply building or maintaining muscle mass.

“I think the average person probably doesn’t realize how much protein does in the body,她说。. “Most people think about protein as it relates to muscles; building muscle mass or maintaining muscle mass, but that’s just one of the things it does in the body. It’s part of the immune system and it’s part of everything else in the body as well.”


The recommended daily protein consumption for individuals depends upon several factors, 包括他们的年龄和活跃程度, 长铁楔说. For average American adults, who tend to be fairly sedentary, nutritionists recommended 0.每公斤体重摄入8克蛋白质. For someone in that category who weighs 70 kilograms (roughly 154 pounds), 例如, the suggested daily protein intake would be about 56 grams.

给n that one 3-ounce hamburger (about the size of a deck of playing cards) has about 25 grams of protein, 长铁楔说 it’s not hard for the average American to meet their recommended protein intake.

“Again, a lot of people who think they are not getting enough protein probably are. That’s probably the biggest misconception 当 it comes to protein.她说。. “就像营养学中的许多东西一样, the answers aren’t always immediately clear because there’s just so much misinformation out there.”

当大多数人想到蛋白质时, 长铁楔说, 他们倾向于考虑动物性食品, 比如肉, 家禽及蛋类, but there are plenty of plant-based foods offering healthy protein as well.

“Protein is found in both animal- and plant-based foods. The difference is that animal-based ones tend to be better absorbed. It gives you more amino acids, the building blocks of proteins,” Stob explains. “但你也可以从植物中获取蛋白质. So, someone who is a vegetarian or vegan isn’t out of luck; it is possible to get enough protein and maintain a healthy diet.”

For those who opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet, 长铁楔说 she generally recommends they eat plant-based foods rich in protein, 比如大豆, 豌豆, 豆类.

“我总是对大学生们说, 当他们去Chipotle的时候, “在碗里多放些豆子,’ because they have a good amount of protein and they’re a great source of fiber, 太. They are a great food and really underrated, if you ask me.”


在她的演讲中, 长铁楔说 she will spend a bit of time talking about how certain groups require extra protein.

I think the average person probably doesn’t realize how much protein does in the body. Most people think about protein as it relates to muscles; building muscle mass or maintaining muscle mass, but that’s just one of the things it does in the body. It’s part of the immune system and it’s part of everything else in the body as well.”

“因为博尔德是一个如此活跃的社区, I will talk about how athletes need more protein,她说。. “I will also talk about aging and the importance of consuming enough protein as we age. The loss of muscle mass due to aging is a real thing, so it’s important to give your body the building blocks it needs, 包括蛋白质, 为了保持健康.”

近年来, the paleo (aka “Cave Man”) and Atkins diets that emphasize eating proteins and eliminating carbohydrates have found favor with a certain portion of the population.

对她来说, 长铁楔说 she emphasizes to her students that there is no one diet that is right for every individual.

“Some people do really well on something like the paleo diet. 为他人, 没有碳水化合物, they just can’t function; they don’t have enough energy,她说。. “每个人都不一样。.”

Stob adds that the choices people make about their nutrition need to done in the context of maintaining a good, 健康的生活方式.

“以一个 全人 approach to health involves realizing we need to take a look at physical activity, 营养和心理健康,她说。. “Nutrition is such an integral part of wellness and a 健康的生活方式. 如果这一点被忽视,那就有问题了.”

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