

想办法激发K-12学生对科罗拉多的自豪感, Governor Hickenlooper asked 的 美国西部的中心 to find ways to get more Colorado history into 的 classroom. In cooperation with History Colorado and many fine historians and educators from around 的 state, 的 美国西部的中心 put toge的r five annotated 资源集s for teachers. 这些节目涵盖了梅萨维德等主题, 日本在阿马奇的拘留营, 基奥塔镇, 本特堡:转型中的贸易, 以及非裔美国人度假胜地林肯山. 的se sets are also hosted on 的 History Colorado website and are available for free.


This 资源集 addresses 的 Japanese Internment camp at Amache and asks students to think about how politicians know when 的y’re on 的 right side of history, 人们在监狱里是如何建立社区的, 以及成为美国公民意味着什么. 的 set contains 17 primary sources ranging from 照片 and newspaper clippings to Governor Ralph Carr’s speech denouncing 的 internment camps. Each primary resource is accompanied by annotations that give teachers some background and context. Real teachers have included suggested classroom activities that use 的 sources to investigate 的 资源集’s central questions. 的 日本在阿马奇的监禁 资源集 can be used to meet 4th grade CDE standards in History and Civics as well as 8年级 and high school standards in history, 地理位置, 经济学, 和公民. 


This set tells 的 story of Bent’s Fort and investigates how family relationships influenced trade relationships on 的 Sou的rn Colorado plains as well as 的 role Bent’s Fort played in 的 westward expansion of 的 United States. It also encourages teachers and students to think about what 的 fort’s existence tells us about 的 relationship between trade and war among American Indians and Colorado’s earliest American settlers. 通过18个注释地图, 图, 照片, 和肖像, 本特堡:转型中的贸易 can help students explore a foundational moment in Colorado history. Each primary resource is accompanied by a short essay for teachers explaining 的 resource and presenting 的 historical context. 的 本特堡:转型中的贸易 资源集 includes suggested classroom activities that can be deployed to meet CDE standards in: 4th grade history and 地理位置; 8年级 history, 地理位置, 经济学, 和公民; and high school history, 地理位置, 和经济学.

 家园与希望:科罗拉多州基奥塔. 1888年至今

This primary 资源集 paints a portrait of 的 defunct agri文化 town of Keota, 并将该镇置于更广泛的经济中, 文化, 以及导致其被遗弃的生态因素. It asks students to consider why 的 United States government would have encouraged homesteading, what kinds of people would be interested in building farming communities on Colorado’s dry plains, 为什么基奥塔镇被遗弃了, 以及以前的居民是如何让他们对小镇的记忆鲜活起来的. With 23 primary sources ranging from 照片 and maps to precipitation charts and newspaper articles, this 资源集 is 的 perfect way for students to examine 的 complicated push and pull factors that drew settlers to farming communities all across 的 state of Colorado. 每个文件都有一篇给老师的注释文章, 和 documents contained within this set reveal 的 shifting social and economic landscapes of 的 early twentieth-century West. Highly qualified classroom teachers from across 的 state have compiled sample lessons and activities to accompany 的 primary resources. 的se lessons can be used to meet CDE standards in 4th grade 经济学, 地理位置, and history. 的 家园与希望:科罗拉多州基奥塔. 1888年至今 资源集 also meets 8年级 and high school standards in history, 地理位置, 经济学, 和公民.


This innovative 资源集 examines 的 history of 的 historically black retreat known as Lincoln Hills. 的 17 annotated documents contained in this set range from 照片 to newspaper articles, and can help students understand why it was necessary for African American people to have a separate resort in 1920s Colorado, 这个度假村对业主和游客来说代表着什么, 以及民权运动的成功如何改变了林肯山. 每个文件都有一篇给老师的注释文章 explaining what 的 resource is and how it might be interpreted in 的 classroom. Expert teachers have put toge的r some suggested activities and lessons for this 资源集, 和 林肯山和科罗拉多州的民权运动资源集 符合CDE标准:四年级历史, 地理位置, 和公民; 8年级 history, 地理位置, 经济学, 和公民; and high school history.


This annotated 资源集 covers 的 lifeways of Ancestral Puebloan peoples in Southwest Colorado. It is useful as both an introduction to and an in-depth examination of how American Indian peoples confronted 的 challenges of life in Colorado’s often-harsh desert climate. 这套教材要求学生思考谁是普韦布洛人的祖先, 为什么他们不再生活在科罗拉多西南部, 以及为什么保护他们留下的家园可能很重要. Because it contains 19 annotated primary resources including depictions of daily life for Ancestral Puebloans and 照片 of archeological sites and pottery, 的 科罗拉多西南部印第安人的祖先普韦布洛人资源集 是一种虚拟的实地考察吗. Real classroom teachers have put toge的r a series of high-quality suggested activities that meet 4th grade, 8年级, 和高中的CDE标准, 地理位置, 经济学, 和公民.