2014年7月推出, 铜接触 supports programs 和 initiatives that work collaboratively with community groups to address complex public challenges through academic courses, 研究项目, 创造性的工作. We do this by developing 和 sustaining equity-oriented partnerships, organizing opportunities for students to learn alongside community members, 和 supporting faculty 和 students to implement ethical 和 rigorous eng年龄d research.

铜接触 is based in the 教育学院 和 serves the whole Boulder campus. It represents the Boulder campus' effort to coordinate 和 sustain its various community eng年龄ment efforts in one academic unit. This means that several longst和ing, high 质量 CU programs are now part of 铜接触. Consistent with the priorities of CU’s Flagship 2030 Strategic Plan, 铜接触 advances the academic mission of the university by fostering a culture of inquiry 和 experiential learning among students, 提高能见度, 质量, 和 status of community-based research on the Boulder campus, 和 contributing to more inclusive practices for students, 工作人员, 和老师.中大聘用员工2023

铜接触支持两个重点活动: 基于社区的学习途径 和 以社区为基础的研究 (CBR). These activities are linked through the formation of partnerships with community groups, 公共机构, 和学校. We utilize the definition of community eng年龄ment provided by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching:

Community Eng年龄ment describes the collaboration between higher education institutions 和 their larger communities (local, 国家, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of 知识 和 resources in a context of partnership 和 reciprocity.

铜接触’s approach to student learning prioritizes experience (边做边学), reciprocity (work with rather than for communities), 和 intellectual rigor rooted in academic disciplines. 通常, learning opportunities for students draw on disciplinary 专业知识 to meet a need identified by a community partner, 比如指导, 青年赋权, 或者环境设计. 例如, students enrolled in an educational psychology course learn disciplinary content by working alongside youth in Boulder County after-school programs. Their experiences are structured through purposeful integration of theory 和 practice; students enact a repertoire of mentoring 和 tutoring skills while having opportunities to reflect on their actions 和 assumptions, which are assessed through regular feedback on student field notes.  

Eng年龄d learning opportunities also include the chance for students to do research that responds to a community need. 以社区为基础的研究 (CBR) emphasizes the rigorous pursuit of 知识 in the context of reciprocal university-community partnerships. CBR projects aspire to combine the resources 和 专业知识 located in communities with academic 知识. Inquiry can be motivated by the effort to investigate or uncover the roots of a problem or to document 和 elevate hidden strengths. 这两种情况, the goal is to use research methods to inform a public issue or support community development.

铜接触 is separate from but closely allied with CU Boulder’s 外联和参与办公室, which serves as another valuable resource for connecting research, teaching 创造性的工作 with public needs 和 interests. The 外联和参与办公室 supports a variety of outreach 和 eng年龄ment programs, 措施和资源, while 铜接触 is focused specifically on supporting community-based learning 和 research opportunities that align with 核心价值观. To find out more about other campus-wide programs, visit the 公众外展及社区参与 网站.

博彩平台推荐邀请您 博彩app推荐 if you are interested in participating in, 或支持, 铜接触’s work in community-based learning 和 research.



股本 & 包容:

Our programs emphasize inclusive practices that foster the intellectual 和 collaborative eng年龄ment of every person, 不论国籍, 年龄, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 能力, 社会经济地位, 资深地位, 或者政治派别. We adopt a “cultural wealth” perspective that recognizes 和 showcases the collective 知识 和 resources of underserved communities.


We seek to build relationships with community partners that are mutually beneficial 和 collaborative (“doing with”), rather than exploitative (“doing to”) or paternalistic (“doing for”). Reciprocal relationships like this begin when both partners can articulate their self-interests 和, 随着时间的推移, 为共同的目标而共同努力.  This working together ac知识s 和 respects different forms of culture, 知识, 专业知识, 和能力.


We seek to contribute to projects that define the public in a broad, 以包容的方式努力建设, 加强, 或者收回“公共产品”,,比如获得优质教育的机会, 健康和幸福, 或者清洁的环境. Our focus on public impact is consistent with CU-Boulder’s mission “to serve Colorado, 这个国家, 这个世界.”


为了铜接触的目的, denotes a broad set of practices in which people collectively eng年龄 the public world to bring about change. 民主 refers to a 质量 of participation that involves working with others, 在差异, 全面包容, 共同解决方案.