Armory Vault Equipment Policies


You must currently be enrolled in a College of Media, 通信和信息课程或申报学生或连接到学院作为教员, lecturer, or staff to access The Vault, creative spaces, and computer labs.

每个课程都有不同的装备要求,因此在Checkout中可以博彩平台推荐特定的项目. 如果你对课堂上可用的摄像机有疑问,请咨询你的教授. All CMCI students, staff, 教职员工可以随时使用军械库的“一般结帐”设备.

所有设备均以可用性为准,鼓励提前计划并预订. For many classes, we have limited resources. 请记住这一点,使预订和规划时,您的项目.

View our online catalog here


Vault Procedures

  • 结帐可以通过自助交易完成,也可以使用 Patron Portal, using your IdentiKey. Reservations are highly encouraged.
  • 如果您在登录Patron Portal时遇到问题,请联系 Armory Vault for assistance.
  • 对于检查从保险库设备一步一步的指导,请博彩平台推荐这个 Completing a Checkout document. 
  • If you plan to complete a walk-up checkout, 请留出时间排队和结帐打包您的设备.
  • 如果你错过了你的接机时间,你将被安排到下一个可用的接机时间.
  • 离您的预订自动取消只有一个小时了. 例如,如果接机时间是10:30,系统会在11:30自动取消预约. If you arrive at 11:31, you must set up a new reservation.
  • The standard checkout period is two business days.
  • 滞纳金可以从预定的归还时间开始计算,直到归还或续借已完全完成.


Renewing Equipment

  • 在The Vault更新设备的请求可以亲自或通过电子邮件发送给管理员Armory Vault.

  • Students are limited to one renewal per checkout before returning equipment. 这是为了确保所有学生都有机会使用设备来完成他们的作业.

  • Renewal requests are conducted through email or in person only. No phone calls, please. 电子邮件将只在工作时间阅读和回复,这可能会有所不同. During the academic year, these hours are Monday - Thursday, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, and Fridays, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 博彩平台推荐会按照收到邮件的顺序尽快回复. Please plan accordingly should there be delays in our response time.

  • Renewals are not guaranteed. Do not try to renew close to your scheduled return time. Your items may be reserved for other students, and you will incur fines and penalties if you cannot return on time.

  • 续订不是最终的,直到续订结帐协议被签署并返回到Vault结帐电子邮件地址.

  • Sending a renewal request email does not guarantee renewal. If another student has reserved the gear you are trying to renew, we will not be able to accommodate your request, 设备必须按原定时间归还.

  • 如果您打算在原计划的返回时间亲自办理续期, you must have all the equipment with you. 如果博彩平台推荐不能满足续订要求,因为另一个预订, you must return the gear at its initially scheduled time. 这是为了你的最大利益,并将节省你的旅行带来的设备与你. 

  • 如果您未能按时归还物品或在设备过期前完成续订文件,您将被收取滞纳金和罚款. If you request a renewal after the equipment is late, 在签署的文件被送回收银台之前,将收取累积的费用.


  • Podcast Booth usage and reservations
    • CMCI内的所有音频展位仅接受预订,并且需要在预定时间前至少24小时预订.
    • At this time, 您只能在设备室的营业时间预订, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Please email the Armory Vault 如果您需要在这些时间之前使用展位,请查看更多信息. 请记住,博彩平台推荐可能无法满足您在营业时间以外博彩平台推荐的要求.
    • Before completing a reservation, you must first complete the Checkout Agreement Policy Form.
    • Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the Audio Booth Overview documentation.
    • Please use the Patron Portal to schedule your reservation.


  • 查看cmci管理的ipad、笔记本电脑或创意云许可证.
    • 所有这些项目都可以在六个工作日内结帐
    • These items are not eligible for renewals
    • 一个人必须等待六个工作日才能再次预订或借出这些物品.
    • If you need an Adobe CC license to use with a laptop or iPad, please let us know at the time of checkout.
    • 所有CC许可证都将在预定结帐返回时过期. 
    • 即使结帐晚了要退回,许可证仍然会过期
    • Please refer to the How to log in to Adobe CC checkout license sheet for quick tips. 

Guidelines and Procedures

  1. All gear is reserved for Media Production coursework only. You may not use the equipment for paid projects or internships. 外部机构必须为你提供生产设备,如果他们真的是一个生产合格的实习.

  2. You must have a current registration form on file before proceeding. If you do not, you must complete the  Checkout Agreement Policy Form.

  3. 在退房和退货时,要留出时间检查设备. Returns are only complete once all items are inspected and verified.

  4. 如发现物品损坏,及时通知检查人员和机房经理. You are responsible for all damages, 因此,在签署表格和离开收银台之前,请彻底检查项目. 如果你离开大楼后发现任何损坏的设备,你将承担责任, even if you did not cause the damage. By signing and leaving, you take responsibility.

  5. 如果有逾期罚款的历史或有忽视/滥用设备的证据,设备特权可能会被暂停. 根据具体情况,休学时间从两周到一整个学期不等.

  6. There are strict consequences associated with these rules. 违反这些规定将导致学术和/或经济处罚.

Armory Vault

Serves all of CMCI

Location: Second floor, room 201

Academic Year Hours: 

  • Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Fridays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Closed on the weekends and campus holidays
  • Checkout: Online reservation via Patron Portal (log in with your identikey) or Walk-ups

Armory Map

View on main campus map

Don't forget!

Examine all equipment carefully before signing. 

如果一个项目从包装中丢失或如果设备损坏或故障以任何方式, 请结账服务员在您签字前在博彩平台推荐的系统里做个记录. When you sign the form, 否则,您将承担设备的全部责任,并确认设备处于工作状态.

When returning在您的设备未经过结帐人员检查和核实前,请勿离开结帐处. 这被认为是迟交,你将受到相应的处罚.

Don't keep unused equipment sitting at home!

它可以防止其他人使用它,并增加损坏或盗窃发生的机会,而你负责. It’s better to return it early.