
请博彩app推荐 亚当Younkin (亚当.younkin@nhllivebetting.com)讨论所有可能的实验和分析,并通过 CU核心设施订购系统.

基金经理: 亚当Younkin (亚当.younkin@nhllivebetting.com)
主要调查人员: 塞巴斯蒂安·科夫 and 鲍斯威尔翼
地点: 本森地球科学大楼 325和335
研究资源ID (rid): SCR_025034
支付门户(外部客户刷卡支付): 几何学的商店

地质生物培养实验室是博彩平台推荐及其他地区地质生物社区的中心资源. 这个实验室占地约2000平方英尺. ft. 位于本森地球科学大楼新装修的实验室空间,专门用于培养与环境相关的微生物, 连续的文化, 样品制备, 显微镜, 微生物的基质 & 产物定量和分子功.

可用的设备包括标准的地球化学和培养基础设施,包括分析天平, pH值米, 化学通风柜(8 '), 层流生物安全柜(4 '), 冰箱(4 c), 冰柜(-20 c), 两个超低温(ULT)冰柜, 温控震动孵化器, 干燥箱, 马弗炉, 冷冻干燥机, 水净化系统, 水浴锅, 超声波浴, 冷冻离心机, microcentrifuges and a 120L autoclave; molecular equipment including gel imager, 电泳设备, 梯度PCR机, and quantitative realtime PCR (qPCR); and 显微镜 equipment including a phase contrast light microscope (Zeiss PrimoStar) and inverted fluorescence microscope (Zeiss AxioVert 200M).

专门的培养设备包括一个液体处理机器人(TECAN Evo 150),配有专用的气控振动孵化器和自动板阅读器, high-throughput batch culturing of microbial cultures; 连续的文化 equipment including 6 prototyping bioreactor systems for aerobic and anaerobic 连续的文化 (operating volumes from 0.5 to 3L; active temperature, 曝气, mixing and pH control; continuous monitoring of gas flow and backpressure via digital mass flow controllers; continuous monitoring of pH, ORP, pO2 via steam-sterilizable Mettler Toledo InPro process sensors); a custom-made multiplexed ministat 连续的文化 system with built-in continuous optical density readers and up to 20 parallel cultures and culture conditions; two 8-port gas supply manifolds and 6 gas blending manifolds with digital mass flow controller-based custom blending of up to 4 gases; and two anoxic chambers with gas purification and atmosphere control systems for sample manipulation and culturing under anoxic conditions (mBraun Labstar Pro).

The available analytical equipment includes two spectrophotometers (Thermo Spectronic20) and spectral analyzer (OceanOptics) for routine spectrometric analyses; a Coulter Counter (Beckam Coulter Multisizer 4e) for cell enumeration; an Ion Chromatography system with dual channel gradient pumps and fraction collector (Thermo ICS 6000) for routine quantification and purification of major ions, substrates and metabolites; a gas chromatography system (SRI GC FID/TDC) for routein quantification of headspace gases; a Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) system for continuous quantification and carbon isotope analysis of methane and carbon dioxide (Picarro G2201-I Isotopic Analyzer); and a Multi-Mode absorbance/fluorescence/luminescence plate reader (Biotek Synergy H1) for high-throughput spectral measurements.