Sponsor Specific

Funding Focus:

The Boettcher Foundation Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Grant aims to support scientific innovation in Colorado by providing biomedical research funding for early career investigators at the state's research institutions.  

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Boettcher Foundation, contact Allison Fischer, Proposal Analyst, at allison.fischer@nhllivebetting.com or 303-735-6754.

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from Boettcher Foundation, contact Ron Matteson, Assistant Director of Grants, at ron.matteson@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2693.

Funding Focus:

The OEDIT Proof of Concept Grant provides funding to identify and pull technologies from research institutions where they were discovered and connect them to the private sector where they can be developed into products for commercialization.

The University of Colorado System receives a predetermined allocation each year.  From that allocation, the PIs on each campus compete to be awarded a portion of the total amount allocated to the University.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to OEDIT, contact both Venture Partners and your OCG Proposal Analyst.

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from OEDIT, contact Jennifer Stroh, OCG Contract Officer, at jennifer.stroh@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-9412.

Funding Focus:

The Draper Scholar Program supports graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in engineering and the sciences.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to this program, please contact Meredith Swanson, OCG Proposal Analyst - 303-735-8264.

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from the Draper Scholar Program, contact Ariana Dindial ariana.dindial@nhllivebetting.com OCG Contract Officer - 303-735-0597.

Funding Focus:

The Fulbright-Hays DDRA provides funding for individual doctoral students who conduct research in other countries, in modern foreign languages, and area studies for periods of 6 to 12 months.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Fulbright-Hays DDRA program, contact Amy Hoak, Proposal Analyst, 303-735-6738.

Certifying Official:  Amy Hoak  (OCG)

Project Director:  Patty Stanfield (Graduate School)

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from the Fulbright-Hays DDRA program, contact Ron Matteson, Assistant Director of Grants, at ron.matteson@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2693.

Funding Focus:

The Fulbright-Hays FRA  is designed to contribute to the development and improvement of modern foreign language and area studies in the U.S. by providing opportunities for scholars to conduct research abroad.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Fulbright-Hays FRA program, contact Amy Hoak, Proposal Analyst, 303-735-6738.

Certifying Official:  Amy Hoak (OCG)

Project Director:  Vanessa Worthy (RIO) 

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from Fulbright-Hays FRA program, contact Ron Matteson, Assistant Director of Grants, at ron.matteson@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2693.

Direct all communication, award documents, NCE requests, etc., related to JPL awards or proposals to Danell Thompson at danell.thompson@nhllivebetting.com

The JPL CREI Master Agreement, including the Reps & Certs, are handled by Contract Officer Melissa Clymer at melissa.clymer@nhllivebetting.com.

Funding Focus:

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people and effective institutions committed to building a more just, conscientious, and peaceful world.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, please contact Joan Eaton, Assistant Director, Proposal Development, at joan.eaton@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2691.

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, contact Ron Matteson, Assistant Director of Grants, at ron.matteson@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2693.

Funding Focus:

The Keck Foundation supports outstanding science, engineering, and medical research.

The Keck Foundation limits the number of proposals that one institution may submit. The first application phase is an internal competition at CU Boulder from which proposals will be selected to continue to the next phase.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Keck Foundation, contact Jessica Rowell, OCG Senior Proposal Analyst, at jessica.rowell@nhllivebetting.com or 303-735-6299.

For Keck Foundation awards, contact Jen Stroh, Contract Officer, at  jennifer.stroh@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-9412.

Direct all communication, award documents, NCE requests, etc., related to NRO awards to Sean Owens at sean.owens@nhllivebetting.com

Direct all communication, award documents, NCE requests, etc., related to NREL awards or proposals to Danell Thompson at danell.thompson@nhllivebetting.com

CU Boulder application contact:

Direct all communication, award documents, NCE requests, etc., related to NSO / AURA awards to Sean Owens, Contract Officer, Office of Contracts & Grants or call 303-735-4830.

Funding Focus: The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center is a partnership between the US Geological Survey, the University of Colorado Boulder and five consortium partners. The NC CASC fosters innovative and applied research in support of tribal, federal, state, and local natural resource management and decision-making. The North Central center is one of nine regional climate centers in the national CASC network created to help meet the changing needs of land and resource managers across the country. It serves Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska.

CU Boulder application Contact: if you are interest in submitting a proposal to this program, please contact Ted De Maria demaria@Colorado.EDU, CIRES Proposal Director

Direct all communication, award documents, NCE requests, etc., related to NREL awards or proposals to Sean Owens at sean.owens@nhllivebetting.com.

Funding Focus:

The Searle Scholars Program supports research of outstanding individuals who have recently begun their appointment at the assistant professor level, and whose appointment is their first tenure-track position at a participating academic or research institution.

The Searle Scholars Program limits the number of proposals that one institution may submit. The first application phase is an internal competition at CU from which proposals are selected to continue to the next phase.

CU Boulder application contact:

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Searle Scholars Program, contact Joan Eaton, Assistant Director, Proposal Development, at joan.eaton@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2691.

CU Boulder Post-Award contact:

If you have questions regarding your award from the Searle Scholars Program, contact Ron Matteson, Assistant Director of Grants, at ron.matteson@nhllivebetting.com or 303-492-2693.