
跟踪 is a pattern of unwanted behavior, 针对特定的人,导致那个人感到害怕, 紧张, 在危险中, and/or change their routine. 跟踪 may cause fear, 被跟踪的人感到烦恼或愤怒,并导致受影响的人改变常规或行为. Sometimes the person that is being stalked may minimize the situation, though bystanders may see it as dangerous or concerning. 跟踪 can occur in and out of current or past relationships, as well as between roommates, acquaintances, groups or complete strangers.

Examples of stalking behaviors

  • information gathering from friends, online, social media, 家庭.
  • repeated, non-threatening mail, 电子邮件, texts, DM, and phone calls.
  • 笔记, gifts or flowers left on a car or place of residence.
  • 观察/跟随并“巧合地”出现在人去的地方.
  • 在教室外、工作地点或他人的交通工具旁等候.
  • false reports to authorities, spreading rumors, giving misinformation or secrets to friends, 家庭, professors, or supervisors.
  • disparaging messages or images onling, in discussion groups.
  • vandalism or destruction of property, sabotage of school or job work.
  • threatening mail, 电子邮件, 笔记, text messages and/or phone calls (threats direct, implied or symbolic).
  • breaking into home, car, 电子邮件, social media, etc. and sometimes leaving evidence of the break in or hack.

跟踪 behaviors by themselves may or may not be illegal. 例如,在某人表示不想被联系后,给他留了礼物或发了短信. 然而,行为的背景和这些行为对一个人的影响是关键. 重要的是,有一组行为可以对个人产生影响. The person who is following, 看, and/or harassing may have various different motives, 但对被跟踪者的影响是评估情况最重要的方面. 你或你的朋友是否正在改变你的生活以避免或应对骚扰/不必要的接触, being followed, or unwanted 电子邮件s/messages? Regardless of how it happens support and resources are available.

Explore your options

For content-specific information about reporting see below. 有关报告和使用系统的可能性的一般信息 visit our reporting page 或博彩平台推荐 OIEC's Don't Ignore It 网站.


有几个层次的干预可以帮助处理持续的不受欢迎的行为,向警方报告是一种选择. 向警方报案可以采取多种形式,并不一定会导致刑事指控. 一些受害者只是想提交一份“信息”报告,目的是让警方了解他们的情况, but without pursuing charges. 另一些人则希望警方联系这个人,并给予口头警告. At the same time, many people choose to file criminal charges.This might include getting names of witnesses, saving 电子邮件s, 与事件有关的短信或语音信息,以及拍摄受伤的照片, 损害, graffiti or supporting materials.  If an arrest is made and 如果您想在犯罪者/嫌疑人出狱时收到通知,请注册 Vine notifications. OVA可以与您讨论报告选项,并在整个过程中为您提供支持.

请注意:如果你现在或曾经与跟踪你的人约会过, the police may classify it as intimate partner violence 如果是这样,他们有可能的理由,他们需要逮捕,因为科罗拉多州在家庭暴力/亲密伴侣虐待案件中的强制逮捕法.

报告 to CU's Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance

If you have experienced stalking by a CU student, faculty, or staff 您可以向机构公平与合规办公室(OIEC)报告. OIEC可以通过正式调查或教育解决方案(不包括调查,但侧重于阻止行为的干预措施)来解决问题。. In formal investigation and there is a finding of a policy violation, sanctions will be put in place through the university. OIEC的程序与刑事司法系统分开,并通过大学进行行政管理. In some cases OIEC may need to make a limited report to the police. In addition to conducting investigations, OIEC can also provide interim and remedial measures including no 联系 orders, academic remedial measures, and more. Click here to learn more about OIEC's process and procedures.

要提交报告,您可以直接致电303-492-2127与OIEC联系,填写一份 online OIEC report,或与受害者援助办公室合作,在报告过程中提供宣传. If you are unsure about reporting, 请联系OVA,博彩平台推荐可以秘密地与您讨论OIEC流程,以帮助您做出决策.

If you are concerned that you are being stalked, 和对这个问题有了解的人谈谈可能会有用. 点击这里了解更多信息,了解人们可能经历的与跟踪有关的广泛影响. Practicing self care, taking care of basic needs ( eating, 睡觉, staying hydrated, exercise) and reaching out for support can make a difference. 朋友、家人和同事等非正式的支持都是很好的资源. In addition,OVA is free and confidential and here to be a resource for counseling, 宣传, information on rights and options, safety planning and providing information, 推荐, and consultation on additional campus and community resources.  

Some things you might discuss when meeting with OVA include:

  • figuring out what you feel and think about what’s going on.
  • 获取信息,这将有助于你评估情况,并找出你想要什么.
  • discussing your rights and reporting options.
  • how to manage your academics, or work.
  • making a safety plan, there are many strategies available.
  • 如果你受伤了,或者担心你的健康,及时就医.
  • changing routines, assessing safety and impact.
  • keep track of/log what is happening
  • discussing self-care and coping skills.

*If seeking support from CU staff or factuly, 他们对你与他们分享的信息保密是有限制的. 如果您不希望与机构公平与合规办公室共享信息,请考虑联系OVA等机密资源.

如果你还没有准备好和别人交谈,但想要获得更多博彩app推荐你的情况的信息, the web is a great place to do that. If you are concerned about privacy, you should know that most computers keep track of 网站s you visit. 如果您担心这一点,请查看如何清除您的网络浏览器的历史记录或使用公共计算机,如在校园实验室, a public library or at a friend’s house.

If supporting someone being stalked, visit our how to help page.

If your current housing situation is no longer safe or comfortable, OVA can discuss options for a change of housing.如果被指控的犯罪者在OIEC的协助下住在CU的住房中,也可以选择转移他们.

如果你担心这种情况会影响你的学业,OVA可以帮助你. You deserve to be in school and to meet your goals. OVA可以在保持隐私的同时讨论管理学术问题的选择,并且可以联系教授.

保护令是一种通过法院获得的民事法律文件,它对可能对你构成危险的个人施加限制. If they violate these restrictions they can be sanctioned by the court. 如果您对获得保护令有疑问,您可以与保密的OVA辩护顾问交谈, call the Boulder Protective Order Clinic at 303-441-4867, 联系 Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, or go to the Colorado Judicial Branch Protection Order 网站.

If someone is arrested for domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault, and the suspect is released from jail, 刑事禁止接触令通常由法院在刑事案件审理期间发出.